The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1338 You...what do you want to do!

Chapter 1338 You...what do you want to do!

"Yuanyuan brought change money!" Yu Yuanyuan took out a crumpled piece of cash from her backpack, "Is it enough for this money?"

"Enough." Yu Jinxiao let go of his seat belt, and took the crumpled 20 yuan, "You stay in the car obediently, I'll go buy it."


Where is 20 yuan enough?It's nothing more than cheating on Xiao Zai Zai, the extra money has to be made up by his father.

But Xiao Zai Zai had her own heart, and Yu Jinxiao couldn't bear to hit her.

The pocket money was quietly used to let the second brother buy snacks for himself, so how much "deposit" is left.

Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan's underground deal, he, the father, knows everything about it!

"I want this bouquet." Walking into the store, Yu Jinxiao's appearance seemed to set off a wild wave, making the atmosphere of the whole flower shop different.

"Okay, do you need a card?" The boss hurried forward, bending over unconsciously with a little compliment.

Yu Jinxiao thought for a while, and replied: "Write a wish for a speedy recovery, and sign 'Yuanyuan'."

When the boss heard the word "Yuanyuan", he looked at Yu Jinxiao in disbelief.

This posture, this aura...

Is it such a cute name as "Yuanyuan"? ? ?
What a weird contrast!
Yu Jinxiao saw the undisguised surprise in those eyes at a glance, cleared his throat and emphasized: "Yuanyuan is my daughter, not me!"

Boss: "Ah, I understand, I understand."

Why is it a bit unclear what is going on? ?
The boss turned around to prepare the card, Yu Jinxiao's mobile phone interrupted his attempt to explain again.

The call was from Shu Xuan.


"Mr. Yu, it's bad! Yi Yuzhang escaped from the hospital!"

This news was like a bomb, suddenly causing strange shocks in the world in Yu Jinxiao's mind.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was sitting in the car, was waiting for his father to come out of the shop with Hua Hua in his arms.

The car had driven a certain distance just now, and Yu Zaizai had to turn around and lie on the car window to see the door of the store.

The little guy was lying on his stomach watching, when suddenly a strong unsuitable feeling came from the window.

As if his body had received some warning passively, Yu Zaizai sat back unconsciously and covered his down jacket and hat.

Two loud bangs sounded suddenly, and before Yu Yuanyuan realized what was going on, a lot of broken glass had been sprinkled on her body.

A pair of hands came in from the car window and rudely opened the seat belt of the child seat.

The hat blocked the shattered car glass, and before Yu Yuanyuan understood what happened, something grabbed her body and dragged her out of the car window.

After dragging twice with that strength, she actually paused for a second, as if she couldn't believe that she was so heavy.

"You...what do you want to do!" The situation in front of her was too scary, Yu Yuanyuan waved her claws and howled, her coat and hat covered half of her eyes.

It wasn't until she was stuffed into another car in a blink of an eye that Xiao Zaizai saw the person who arrested her clearly——

It's that bad octopus again!

At the same time, Yu Jinxiao also ran out of the flower shop, rushing towards the rear of Yi Yuzhang's car aggressively.

Yi Yuzhang had a pained expression on his face, the gunshot wound he had suffered before seemed to be involved in the violent exercise again, but he couldn't stop, he kicked the accelerator to the fastest speed, and flicked away like crazy.

But this is a downtown area, and it is not so easy for Yi Yuzhang to distance himself. Yu Jinxiao immediately got into the car and chased after him at the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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