The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1344 Did she go down to save Dad just now?incredible

Chapter 1344 Did she go down to save Dad just now?incredible

The clumsy little claw pawed in front of the car door, and gave a sigh of relief.

The shoelaces are very thin, and the little meaty fingers are not flexible enough, and it took a little time to untie.

It almost didn't make Xiao Zai Zai tired enough to spit bubbles.

Just when Xiao Zai Zai was about to push and pull to float to the surface of the water with a happy smile, a cold hand stretched out and grabbed her wrist firmly.

"Yeah!" Yu Yuanyuan screamed in fright, turning her head like an owl, and found that it was Yi Yuzhang who woke up again!

His eyes were closed, and he looked like he was dying, hatred supporting all the strength in his palm.

"You're a bad boy, let go of Yuanyuan!" Xiao Zaizai retracted his hand vigorously, but Yi Yuzhang still refused to let go, with terrifying strength.

The flustered little ball babbled and hit him with its claws, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering the pointy thing in the bag.

She reached out and grabbed the small bag floating in the air, grabbed the pen that Mo Yunqing gave her before, pressed the tail, and poked hard at the back of Yi Yuzhang's hand.

The people who swam to rescue people put the lifebuoys in their hands on Yu Yuanyuan's body, and then supported the unconscious Yu Jinxiao, and motioned for the people on the shore to pull the rope to drag them back.

As soon as she landed, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to hear a "boo" when the air bubbles burst, and a strong cold damp instantly covered her whole body.

"Yeah, it's so cold!" Xiao Zai Zai cried out uncontrollably.

There are more and more people on the shore, and the rescuers who came to salvage and rescue the crane have also arrived.

Everyone was still concerned about the child who disappeared suddenly just now. Everyone's complexion was not very good, and some people were praying with their hands folded.

An unknown Susu kept pressing on Baba's heart, but Baba seemed to be asleep, lying there motionless.

The onlookers on the shore immediately handed over towels and blankets, and hastily wiped Yu Yuanyuan's hair and wrapped her coat.

"Ah, it's the child's father. Did she go down to save him just now? It's incredible, such a small child."

The shivering little cub sneezed and sneezed twice, turned his head and began to search for it.


The onlookers on the shore shouted excitedly.

"God, bless the child's father is safe and sound."

"It's so pitiful. You're still so young. Parents, don't let anything happen to you."

A bloody smell instantly spread in the water, and the pain made Yi Yuzhang's palm tremble violently, and he instinctively let go of his hand.

"One more person!"

"Yeah, it's that kid!"

There was a sound of water, and two heads popped out of the water.

Xiao Zai Zai quickly kicked his legs, like a small torpedo, pushing the unconscious Yu Jinxiao to the surface of the water.

The tip of Yu Yuanyuan's little nose trembled, and she squirmed to her father's side in fear, and began to cry: "Baba don't sleep, get up quickly, Yuanyuan is scared, Baba..."

There were more and more muttering discussions in the crowd, and many people secretly put their hands together to pray for Yu Jinxiao.

"Baba," Yu Yuanyuan knelt beside Yu Jinxiao's head, touched Baba's cold face, desperately pressed her small face to his face, "Baba, wake up, Yuanyuan is so cold, Yuanyuan Yuan is scared, woo woo woo."

Hearing the children's cries, everyone's hearts were about to break, and some people in the crowd even secretly wiped away their tears.

The first aid didn't stop, the shore was surprisingly quiet, and even those who don't believe in ghosts and gods couldn't help but pray for the man lying on the ground to open his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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