The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1346 The 7 crooked and 8 twisted cubs are born

Chapter 1346 The crooked little cub is born

It was still the same little glutinous rice ball, but when he spoke, there was a kind of sensibility that moved him.

Yu Jinxiao slowly let go of his hand, and lay back on the bed obediently: "Then you are at the door, don't run around, you understand?"

"I know!"

When Yu Jinxiao was pushed into the examination room, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to climb to the waiting seat next to her and sat down.

As soon as she sat down firmly, the gentle sister nurse came up and put her shoulders on her shoulders: "Little friend, you also need to go for a checkup."

"Karma??" Xiao Zai Zai trembled all over, "Yuanyuan don't prick the needle!!!"

The little cub who was persuasive and persuasive in the last second has now become a ball.

In fact, she just thought that she didn't need to be checked, and only Baba needed to be checked, so she would be so calm and sensible, even Yu Jinxiao himself was moved.

Now when she heard that she was going to be checked, Yu Yuanyuan immediately put on a sad face.

"Well, Yuanyuan won't run around!"

In the end, Yu Yuanyuan only heard a lot of "needling".

"Round round!"

In the quiet corridor, anxious voices sounded.

Yu Yuanyuan turned her head, jumped off the chair immediately, and slapped her mother's leg.

"Zaizai, how are you? Are you okay? Mama brought you clothes!" After finishing speaking, He Yitong hurriedly put on Yu Yuanyuan's sweater, down jacket, and trousers over the hospital clothes.

The heating was turned on in the hospital, it was very warm, and the cub didn't feel cold at all.

"Sister~ Yuanyuan wants to wait for Baba, can you?" Yu Yuanyuan asked aggrievedly while shaking Xiaoyuan's legs.

No bumps at all? ?
It can be called a miracle.

The nurse looked at the small body, and touched her head distressedly: "Yes, but you can't run around. I have already called your other family members, and they will come to accompany you."

This kid didn't wear a seat belt, and the car rushed from the bridge into the bottom of the river!

Woohoo, she was so scared that she didn't dare to move, so she was carried by the sister nurse for examination.

Her examination was quick and her body was very healthy without any injuries, which made the doctors feel unbelievable.

Fortunately, the examination didn't hurt very much, but it was a little scary. Yu Yuanyuan was always worried that his claws would be caught in the next second, and a shiny silver needle would appear on the skin.

About 5 minutes later, a crooked little cub was born!
He Yitong has never taken care of children, and when he was in Wonderland, he didn't need to dress the children, just lick their fur, how easy it is.

Xiao Zai Zai staggered to the door of the examination room, like a small mushroom waiting to grow, waiting to be pulled out.

The sister nurse brought a clean hospital gown for Yu Zaizai to change into.

"But, if you don't check, you might get sick, little friend, and then you'll have to get a lot of needles," the nurse's sister said with a gentle face, but what she said made Xiao Zai Zai start to tremble. Acupuncture needles, buttocks also need needles, fingers also need needles..."

Looking at the little cub who was wrapped into a leaky lantern, she suddenly had nowhere to go.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan knew how to dress herself a long time ago, she took off her coat and while she was dressing herself, she muttered about what happened today.

knock!It's that Yi Yuzhang again! ! !
He Yitong's hand gradually clenched into a fist, and slammed it on the chair: "That bastard, is he going to put us to death!"

Gada Gada, the plastic seat stool cracked instantly, missing a corner.

(End of this chapter)

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