The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1373 Who Is That Handsome Guy Beside Her?

Chapter 1373 Who Is That Handsome Guy Beside Her?
Gloves were originally a point that Shen Ji didn't want to be noticed.

But every time I go to a crowded place, it is inevitable to be noticed.

Xie Xin's words just now had caused conflicts in his heart, but Shen Ji knew that he didn't mean it, and was thinking of a reasonable excuse to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zai Zai's casual words made Xie Xin give up the idea of ​​letting him take off the gloves.

"Brother Shen Ji, hold hands~ the recording is about to start~" Shen Ji who was in a daze was pulled back to reality by the little milk voice.

The children are all lined up, waiting to enter the recording studio hand in hand to start the official recording.

The recording was divided into two days, with a break in between, and there were audiences throughout the process.

This means that if there is something on the recording site, it may soon be posted on the Internet.

"Uncle Xie, why didn't Brother Hao and Sister Man come?" Xiao Zaizai asked with his head tilted.

When Xie Xin heard it, he smiled mysteriously: "They will only participate in tomorrow's recording, and today's protagonists are you!"

She looked in the direction where the scream came from, grinned cutely, and began to shake her head at everyone.

The screams were mixed with strange discussions, but the screams were louder, and none of them had a chance to reach Yu Yuanyuan's ears.

The children happily entered the arena, and then they had to stand in a row to make their appearance.

"I... I'm afraid." Su Zhirui replied timidly.

"Is Yuanyuan greeting me? It must be! It must be!

Yu Yuanyuan blinked her eyes, took Shen Ji with one hand, walked two steps forward, and took Su Zhirui with her free hand: "Then let's go in together! Yuanyuan will accompany you! Don't be afraid! Yuanyuan can protect you! "

The previous recordings went smoothly, Xie Xin didn't expect to scare Su Zhirui this time, and was still struggling with how to persuade her, when she saw Yu Yuanyuan come out!
Seeing the little figure standing forward, Xie Xin, an adult, felt damn reliable!
Facing the cheers of the audience, three short and one tall figures walked into the studio.

"Yeah, it's like a bunch of little grapes, ah, I'm dead!"

"Yeah! It's Yuanyuan!!! So cute! It's like a little ball!"

At this time, the recording had already started, and the camera captured this warm scene, even the corner of the cameraman's mouth was smiling.

"Huh? Who is that handsome guy next to her?"

"Nonsense, Yuanyuan is so beautiful today, and this dress looks so good!"

However, she is holding brother Shen Ji on the left, and Ruirui on the right... There are not enough claws!
After hesitating for two seconds, Xiao Zai Zai decisively chose to greet him with his head!

"My heart beat the highest in my life!"

Hearing someone calling "Yuanyuan", Yu Yuanyuan followed the sound and wanted to wave his claws to greet the audience.

The door opened, and the excited screams of the audience were already heard inside.

The children lined up, but Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian, ​​who were standing at the front, were frightened by the excited yelling inside the door, and they dared not go inside.

The world of children is really beautiful and lovely.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was originally second in line, took a step forward: "Ruirui, we are going in! Everyone is waiting for us!"

It was the first time to be recorded by so many people, not only Su Zhirui was nervous, but even Sun Chengyu was not used to it.

The children adjusted the spacing in a panic, like small balls suddenly crowded together. This scene is funny to watch.

The dazed little cub was about to cooperate with the movement, but was squeezed by Su Zhirui accidentally, and sat back with a puff.

Shen Ji kept paying attention to Yu Yuanyuan's situation, and quickly reached out to hug that small body from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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