The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1393 Completely Different Style

Chapter 1393 Completely Different Style

"Since it's all right, let's go eat," Shen Ji sensed the man's uneasiness, and smoothed things over according to Yuan Yuanzai's mood, "The staff are busy, so let's not hinder them here."

Xie Xin got angry, but this was always his own program group, and he was also worried that something might go wrong and the recording would be interrupted.

Fortunately, Yuanyuan was kind enough, and Shen Ji was generous enough, which made Xie Xin unable to help but wipe off a cold sweat.

"Let's go, Yuanyuan, I have prepared a lot of dishes you like!" Following Shen Ji's words, Xie Xin diverted Xiao Zai Zai's attention with a single sentence.

"Ah, thank you, thank you Susu!" Xiao Zaizai couldn't remember what happened just now, his mind was full of eating and drinking.

This time, Shen Ji simply hugged Yuanyuan to eat and didn't let her go alone.

She is too small to be easily touched by the busy staff.

Qiu Yang, who was at the back of the crowd, touched Lin Liran with his palm: "Did you see that? If it was replaced by someone else, it must be cooked, and it's because it's Yu Yuanyuan that everything will be fine."

"Why?" Lin Liran looked incredulous, "Just because you said she has the superpower of luck? It's outrageous!"

Seeing that his friend didn't believe him, Qiu Yang blushed with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, just wait and see!"

What I was then is now you!snort!
Qiu Yang stopped talking to Lin Liran, he thought he had shared the most important secret with his good friend, but Lin Liran didn't believe it at all, and said he was outrageous.

Can this be tolerated?
Qiu Yang tilted his head and didn't talk to Lin Liran until the eating place.

Xie Xin prepared a large and comfortable lounge in the background, and on the big table in the middle, hot meals were already set.

As soon as he stepped into the lounge, Xiao Zai Zai was blinded by the aroma of food.

Shen Ji carried her to the table and sat down, and thoughtfully helped her arrange the bowls and spoons.

The other children have staff to help take care of them, only Yu Yuanyuan is directly taken over by Shen Ji, so there is no need for others to worry about it.

However, in terms of eating, Shen Ji doesn't need to spend too much energy, he just needs to use the serving chopsticks to help Yu Yuanyuan put the food into the bowl.

In addition, she can eat with a spoon by herself, which is called a proficiency.

Smudges lips only occasionally, but doesn't fling all over the place.

Every time Shen Ji watched her eat, he would have an intuition that she must be reluctant to waste every grain of food to eat so gracefully and cleanly.

Su Zhirui, Jiang Tian and Yu Yuanyuan, who are about the same age, have completely different styles.

The spoon is mixed with the hand, the spoon was dropped on the ground twice, and the clean spoon was replaced, and the staff needed to be behind.

I don't know if I'm hungry, but Xiao Zai Zai ate a lot today, faster than ever.

Shen Ji saw it all, and deliberately slowed down the speed of picking up food for her: "Yuanyuan, don't worry, eat slowly, there are a lot of delicious food, you have to chew the food in your mouth thoroughly oh!"

"Juju (chewing) is a magic horse?" Xiao Zai Zai took a break from his busy schedule and raised his head.

"It's about crushing the food, and don't be too anxious to swallow large chunks into your stomach. This will make your stomach feel uncomfortable, and Yuanyuan won't be able to eat other delicious food."

"Ah duck, okay~ Yuanyuan bully slowly~" Xiao Zai Zai obediently slowed down.

The staff at the rear watched this scene and couldn't help discussing in a low voice——

"Shen Ji has a really good temper, gentle and considerate."

"It's amazing to grow up, and I've begun to wonder what he will look like in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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