The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1398 There Are No Superpowers In This World

Chapter 1398 There Are No Superpowers In This World
Qiu Yang squeezed the handkerchief without saying a word, and cast a condescending glance at Lin Liran.

This guy still doesn't believe in evil!
If he lost Yu Yuanyuan, wouldn't he definitely lose?
Qiu Yang wouldn't do such a thing like lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

The silent Qiu Yang twisted the handkerchief and weighed silently in his heart, walking around for a long time without leaving anyone behind.

The second when everyone was lucky enough to relax, they suddenly found that the handkerchief in Qiu Yang's hand was gone!
The children hurriedly looked behind them, only Lin Liran looked like he had the chance to win, and he was not in a hurry.

It doesn't make sense for your own people to cheat your own people!
But when Lin Liran sat calmly and didn't move, he found that everyone looked behind him, but no one got up to chase Qiu Yang.

Wait... no way!

Lin Liran shook his head suddenly, and suddenly found a handkerchief lying behind him!
It really is!
Lin Liran looked at Qiu Yang who had already run to the opposite side in surprise, picked up the handkerchief and chased after him out of breath, his head was in a daze, completely unable to figure out why he did this.

In terms of motor nerves, Lin Liran was obviously not as good as Qiu Yang. After two rounds of pulling, Qiu Yang successfully sat in Lin Liran's position.

"What's the matter with you!" Lin Liran was anxious, "Why are you throwing me behind my back? Didn't I tell you to throw... her behind!"

Qiu Yang made a grimace: "I've said it before, if you don't believe it, you can try it."

Yu Yuanyuan obviously has no plan or scheming for this kind of pursuit, she only knows to chase.

Heh, this Qiu Yang is afraid that he is cute because of his parents, so... he restrained his bad temper on purpose.

"Wow, it's Yuanyuan's turn!" Yu Yuanyuan didn't feel that she was being targeted at all, and was very excited to finally let her play.

"Yuanyuan, the handkerchief is behind you." Shen Ji was the one who saw the falling handkerchief first, "It's your turn to catch someone, be careful, don't run and wrestle."

As soon as she stretched her legs, she chased in a fixed direction. In this way, Lin Liran could easily sit in her position.

Lin Liran first walked around to the direction opposite to Yu Yuanyuan, and then adjusted according to the running direction of the short legs after she got up.

The other children didn't understand what Qiu Yang meant, but Lin Liran did.

Hmph, how did he become so useless?
Lin Liran couldn't figure it out.

Qiu Yang must have firmly believed in Yu Yuanyuan's lucky superpower, so he dared not mess with her.

He twisted the handkerchief and walked around the backs of the children, and finally quietly threw the handkerchief on the target's back and ran away.

Lin Liran snorted dismissively, silently choosing a target in his heart.

Even though he was stepping on two short legs, he was still full of anticipation for this kind of chase scene.

Qiu Yang, who is usually domineering and domineering, unexpectedly has someone he dare not provoke?
But after observing for a long time, Yu Yuanyuan is just a foodie, and there is nothing special about it. Speaking of superpowers...he didn't see any strange lights on her body. How can this mean that she has superpowers? ?

With this speed, with such short legs, hehe, he can throw Yu Yuanyuan far away even if he walks slowly.

Lin Liran proudly threw his hands in his pockets, wanting to use his own personal demonstration to wake up Qiu Yang. Does this little potato look like he has superpowers?

No, it should be said that there are no superpowers in this world!
The big strides were like walking in the forest, clearly provoking Yu Yuanyuan on purpose.

But just when he thought he could get rid of Yu Yuanyuan easily, something seemed to hook the side of his foot suddenly, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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