The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1405 1 must be good forever

Chapter 1405 Must be good for a lifetime
Lin Liran stared in astonishment at the little friends who disbanded on the spot.

Before he came, he was in a hurry to get back to the scene, so it was over? ? ?
The dejected figure looked like a small tree that had been toppled in the rain, staggered and walked to Qiu Yang's side silently.

Yu Yuanyuan was also depressed.

The sister of the host said she wanted to choose someone she liked, but... why didn't Brother Shen Ji choose her?
Doesn't brother Shen Ji like her?
Is it because she didn't eat cleanly when she ate, or stayed out of bed when she took a nap, so brother Shen Ji is unhappy?
Yu Zaizai's small brows fell down, turning into a pitiful little horoscope, his eyes were shining brightly, as innocent as he could be.

Shen Ji lowered his head, and suddenly met that aggrieved little gaze.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Shen Ji could clearly sense every emotional change in Yuanyuan's body.

In order to deal with Lin Liran just now, Shen Ji didn't have time to think about other things, but now that the game is over, Yuanyuan Zai exudes milky and milky resentment, floating everywhere, how could Shen Ji ignore it.

"Brother Shen Ji, why didn't you choose Yuanyuan just now?" Xiao Zaizai clasped his hands, his small body swayed slightly, his eyes sometimes looked at him, and sometimes fell to the ground.

The hat on his head was tilted a little more, and that little appearance looked even more aggrieved.

Shen Ji helped adjust the hat, knelt down and gently held the soft little arm: "Does Yuanyuan still remember what the host sister said, to choose the person you like?"

When Xiao Zai Zai heard it, he nodded his head obediently.

The gentle smile in front of her eyes wiped away the gloom in Yuanyuan's heart, and Shen Ji gently rubbed the dirt on her little face with her palm.

"That's the host sister and Yuanyuan joking. In fact, throwing a handkerchief... You don't have to choose someone you like. Most people choose at random."

"Really?" Xiao Zai Zai blinked his eyes, and the grievance in his eyes was relieved for a while.

"Of course it's true," Shen Ji picked up Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, walked to the props and small bench beside him and sat down, "Yuanyuan and I are good friends, right?"


"Good friends help and trust each other, right?"


Under the guidance of Shen Ji's words, Xiao Zai Zai's answering voice became crisp again.

"Whether it's now or in the future, my favorite is Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan believes in me, okay?"

"Yuanyuan also likes elder brother Shen Ji the most." The little Zaizai was no longer depressed, and stretched out his small arms and threw himself on Shen Ji's shoulder.

That short arm tried to hook his neck, like a small scarf, draped obediently around Shen Ji's neck.


"I don't know if they will be so good when they grow up. They must be good for a lifetime."

"Thank you, Yuanyuan, for giving me the opportunity to see the growth history of the handsome little brother."

Under the guidance of Shen Ji's words, Yu Zaizai, who was a little unhappy, immediately regained his vitality.

The staff began to arrange the scene of the fourth round of the game.

"Brother Shen Ji, what do you want to play? Do you want to run?" The little boy's chubby head rested on Shen Ji's shoulder, his feet were hanging in the air, and he still didn't forget to shake it back and forth.

"It's not like running, the distance is too short, and it's hard to make a distance when running. Could it be..."

Shen Ji already guessed an answer in his heart.

This game might be a bit difficult for Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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