The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1411 Her Little Belly

The moment Lin Liran yelled the password, Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji suddenly speeded up tacitly and took a huge step.

It can be seen that they really want to rush to the finish line as soon as possible. The more they want to sprint forward, the easier it is to fall into the trap.

Lin Liran originally thought so, but soon...he was a little confused by Yu Yuanyuan's manipulation.

Just when he was about to call out "wooden man", Yu Yuanyuan pulled Shen Ji and suddenly lay down on the floor. Two figures, one big and one small, curled up their legs and just stood still on the ground.

Lin Liran: "?" fell?
Hehe, it happened just right when he fell, he was going to be caught off guard and let that little potato lose his balance!

When getting up, it is the easiest node to "sneak attack".

"1——2——" Lin Liran deliberately lengthened the ending, and was going to call "wooden man" the moment Yu Yuanyuan stood up.

In this way, she didn't have time to maintain her balance, and she would definitely affect Shen Ji by the way, making them all out!


After hearing the new password, Yu Yuanyuan didn't get up at all, but squirmed cutely on the floor like a kitten crawling on the ground.

Not only her, even Shen Ji did the same thing.

It's just that Yu Yuanyuan is cute, but Shen Ji's movements are like a soldier ambushing the enemy, and when his long hands and feet are slowly crawling on the ground, he is also shockingly handsome.

Lin Liran was a little confused.

Why don't you get up quickly after falling?What are you doing?

He was stunned for two seconds, Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji had already crawled for half a distance on hands and feet, and the speed was still very fast, faster than Sun Chengyu and his friends standing and walking.

Qiu Yang watched silently, and he knew it was Xiao Zai Zai's coquettish operation at a glance.

After recording for so long, Yu Yuanyuan's surprise tricks are too common, which is not surprising, and it shocked Lin Liran, who has never seen the world.

Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji lay on the ground and crawled on both hands and feet.

The two were lying on the ground at the same time, and even the rope binding the feet reduced the hindrance.

Even if the footsteps are not tacit enough occasionally, they will not pull the other party up and down. You must know that they can use two hands and two feet at the same time to maintain balance.

Well, Yu Yuanyuan has one more support point than Shen Ji - her little belly!

"Wooden man!" Lin Liran hastily stopped them from moving.

At this moment, he understood that Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji didn't fall down, but deliberately used this method to maintain their balance.

Xiao Zai Zai has played for several rounds in a row, the child's energy is limited, she can't always rely on the "support" of Shen Ji's brother.

That little brain came up with such a way.

When she was a little Miaomiao, she could stay still in this position for a long time, so what was a dozen or tens of seconds?

And this pose is better for maintaining balance!
Hearing the beginning of the word "wood", Yu Zaizai sat back resolutely, his little belly lay on his curled up legs, and he didn't move for a while.

This operation was unexpected by Lin Liran.

He originally wanted to eliminate this Little Tudou in one round, but in the end... he was still passive by Little Tudou's manipulation.

"1-23 wooden people!"

"123 - wooden man!"

"123 wooden people!"

The more Lin Liran yelled the password, the more breathless he became. Finally, Sun Chengyu, who was about to approach the yellow line, was forced to assume an extremely unbalanced posture at the last password.

He was still lifting his feet, and Lin Liran's password was over, so Sun Chengyu naturally didn't dare to move.

Lin Liran, who wanted Yu Yuanyuan to lose, only had eyes for that little figure, and had no time to care about others.

Just when he was about to change the rhythm and try to trick that little potato, the host suddenly announced: "Sun Chengyu has moved, and now... Yuanyuan and Shen Ji will win in the end!"

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