The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1414 Looks Scary!

Chapter 1414 Looks Scary!
"Yuanyuan, you will be staying here today, please close the door, good night."

The staff led her into the door, pointed out the corridor, and closed the door with a click.

The sound of closing the door finally awakened Yu Yuanyuan.

The room arranged by the hotel was a big bed room, which was very big, enough for Yu Yuanyuan to run back and forth there twice.

The bathroom was not too small, and the doorway with no light turned on was dark, like a monster's mouth, waiting there quietly.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had been comforting Su Zhirui just now, suddenly became frightened.

But she was afraid that within a few seconds, she was shaking to cheer herself up: "Yuanyuan is a brave little friend, Yuanyuan is not afraid of anything!"

Brave Zai Zai put his hands on his waist and raised his chin——

At a glance, I saw someone on the ceiling above my head! ! !
She was so frightened that she "wowed", and almost plunged directly into the quilt, she was afraid, but the damn curiosity of the kitten made her look more and more scared.

There is no one on the ceiling, it is a metal decorative ceiling, and the shadow of her gloominess is reflected on it.

"Ah, it's a shadow, hahaha, Yuanyuan is scared." Yu Yuanyuan laughed dryly, and continued to pretend to be calm.

The familiar pink suitcase has been placed on the bedroom floor.

Yu Yuanyuan opened it as usual, and immediately pulled out the little lion and hugged it tightly in her arms.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to eat her brother.

In the past, every time she recorded a show, there was Brother Haojia who accompanied her. At that time, she didn't think it was scary to sleep alone in a hotel, but today...

Yu Yuanyuan's little heart was fuzzy, and this quiet room made her feel a little scared.

The TV won't turn on, the balcony door won't open, the curtains won't move, woo woo woo...

Yu Yuanyuan's brave little appearance just now disappeared, and she curled up on the bed with the lion cub in her arms, motionless.

What the children didn't know was that there were cameras installed at several angles in the room at this time, and they were quietly filming them.

I don't know if I drank too much water just now, Xiao Zai Zai nestled on the bed for a while, and suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom.


The bathroom is dark and looks scary!
Hold on, hold on!

Woohoo, but I can't help it!

Xiao Zaizai shuffled towards the bathroom. In the dark bathroom, only vague shadows could be seen of everything, like many monsters squatting there grinding their teeth.

Turn on the lights!
That's right, turn on the lights first!
According to the habit at home, Yu Zaizai reached out to touch the wall, and sure enough, he came across something that looked like a light switch.

With a click, the bathroom light came on.

Where are there any monsters? They are all those things she is familiar with!

One is the sink, the other is the glass room for bathing, and the other is the toilet...

It's not scary at all!
Yu Zaizai laughed silly, and boldly walked towards the toilet.

There is a small step in the bathroom, which is convenient for children to go to the toilet.

There is also a row of small steps in front of the sink, with handrails.

This large room seems to be designed for children, and everything is catered for children who are not tall enough.

Yu Zaizai unloaded the water and burden by himself, and when he was about to wash up, he obediently climbed onto the bed to prepare for sleepiness.

She walked up the small stairs, stood in front of the sink and turned on the tap...

Cuckoo, clack, clack, clack!

There was a strange sound from the faucet, and the water that was flowing smoothly suddenly spouted.

Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she curled her mouth, "Yeah!" and ran away.

 This month's Wanchang is over~ we will continue at the end of next month~
  What's up=3=
(End of this chapter)

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