The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1423 Can't help being a little jealous

Chapter 1423 Can't help being a little jealous

Yu Yuanyuan bit her finger and thought for a while, then said uncertainly, "Yeah, brother delicious, go see brother Shen Ji on behalf of Yuanyuan, okay? He...he also lives alone, so I don't know if he takes good care of himself. .”

Hearing what Yuanyuan said, He Chen secretly made up his mind to go to Shen Ji's side later.

According to what Director Xie said before, their adult guests should each bring two children in this episode.

He He Shen wants to take care of Yuanyuan, so naturally Ai Wu and Wu should also take care of Shen Ji, one cannot favor one over another.


When He Chen thought of the figure who opened the door just now, he really didn't want to make fun of himself.

That height almost surpassed him, standing with Shen Ji, wouldn't it be self-inflicted humiliation?
"Okay, okay, don't worry Yuanyuan, I'll go and have a look." He Chen chatted with Yu Yuanyuan for a while, brushed his teeth with that little Douding, and checked her soaked towel before he believed her Just now, a cub has been washed and ready to go to bed.

Looking back on the life during the previous recording, it was common for Yu Yuanyuan to wash up alone in the morning, she was a very worry-free little girl.

He Chen stayed with Yu Yuanyuan for quite a while, until she was drowsy and made a piggy humming sound from time to time, then quietly exited the room.

At this time... Shen Ji should be asleep, right?

He Chen originally wanted to go back to the bedroom directly, but there was a needle in his conscience tormenting him, and it was Xiao Zai Zai's exhortation just now.

Forget it, try to knock on the door, if Shen Ji falls asleep, he will go back to the room directly.

When he came to the door that he had just left not long ago, He Chen knocked on the door lightly, as if going through the motions.

"Who?" Shen Ji's voice soon came from the door.

"It's me, He Chen." There was no need to act as a villain, nor did he need to add anything, He Chen no longer concealed his voice.

The door opened quickly, and a pair of beautiful eyes gradually appeared in the dim room, watching him quietly in the dark.

He Shen silently used his eyes to measure Shen Ji's height again, feeling a sense of urgency that he was about to be overtaken by "Houlang".

Facing this height, he couldn't treat Shen Ji as a child.

"Hello, Yuanyuan asked come here," He Chen swallowed, and took this opportunity to quietly look at Shen Ji, "Is there anything you need help with? Just say it, don't be polite to me."

He had only seen Shen Ji's photos on Yu Yuanyuan's phone before, but never saw them with his own eyes.

Now that he finally has the chance, He Chen also wants to know what is so special about the "prettiest person" in Yuanyuan's heart!
After seeing that it was He Chen who came, Shen Ji's breath was no longer as hostile as before.

He opened the door completely, and the face and outline that gradually emerged from the shadows made He Chen, who was deliberately looking for flaws, unable to do so for a while.

The young man's face was very soft, as if he was always smiling, but the temperature of that smile was more like a polite perfunctory.

Even though he could see through the contempt that flashed in his eyes, He Chen couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of this face. Whether it was the eyebrows or the figure, it showed God's favor and partiality for him everywhere.

He couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Mothers are all human beings, why is it that some people can be so perfect that it is unbelievable?

"Thank you, I don't think there is anything to bother others," Shen Ji smiled, and the smile looked more and more like a mask, "I was about to go to bed just now."

He Chen: "???" Do you mean to blame me for disturbing you!
(End of this chapter)

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