The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 143 Don't Let Brother 2 Hate Dad

Chapter 143 Don't Let Second Brother Hate Dad

"Father, let Yuanyuan paint, you see she is so energetic." Yu Mingxi knew his father's intention.

Adults think differently from children, and adults may not care about "handmade" things, which are very precious things in the eyes of children.

Yu Jinxiao reluctantly chose an invitation card from among them.

On the screen is a little birthday boy, wearing a small crown, holding a cake, and holding Yu Yingze's favorite Transformer with one hand.

It can be seen that Yu Yuanyuan has worked hard to restore them, but the picture is still a bit abstract.

After picking out the final version of the invitation card, Yu Yuanyuan happily returned to the bedroom with the draft paper.

After the line draft is finalized, Xiao Zai Zai starts to color the drawing paper.

Yu Jinxiao had asked Gao Zhou to prepare the paper for the official invitation card.

In addition, he also instructed Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang to arrange the birthday party.

On a quiet night, Xiao Zai Zai, who was lying at the table and working hard to paint, was so dedicated that he even painted almost 5 versions of the coloring.

This time, she didn't let others choose, and decided on the version she was most satisfied with.

The big rock in her heart settled down, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly felt sleepy and yawned big.

After having dinner before, she only needs to play with toys, read picture albums, and go to sleep honestly when the o'clock arrives.

Never have I been so busy and fulfilled as I am today.

Eyelids are so heavy, so... so sleepy...

Before he even reacted, his little head was already facing down on the table, breathing evenly and amplified.

Yu Yuanyuan had a short and sad dream.

In the dream, she and her brothers have grown up, but the relationship between the second brother and his father seems to be very bad, and they always quarrel and have conflicts.

The conflict escalated more and more, and even the eldest brother couldn't persuade the second brother.

Later, the second elder brother moved out, and in the blink of an eye, what Xiao Zaizai saw again was his father arguing with the second elder brother.

The things in the study were thrown all over the floor, and she couldn't understand some of the words, but it seemed that the second elder brother and an outsider joined hands to destroy a very important business of Dad, bringing the Yu family to the brink of bankruptcy.

And the second elder brother had already developed his own business in secret, looking at them with cold and heartless eyes, as if he was looking down on a pile of rubbish.

Yu Yuanyuan has never seen such a second brother.

It was an indifference that terrified her.

"Second brother, don't hurt daddy... don't hurt brother..." Xiao Zaizai cried pitifully, and woke up from the dream while crying.

The astonishment and horror of the little face are reflected on the glass, and the tears hang on the cheeks, adding a touch of loneliness and depression to the quiet night.

"You can't let the second elder brother hate your father," Yu Yuanyuan wiped away her tears, and whispered in her small mouth, "Yuanyuan must work hard!"

Xiao Zai Zai, who woke up after a nap, continued to draw invitation cards, and by the way, conceived the arrangement and process of the birthday party.

She must give the second brother a big surprise and make the second brother happy.

Let the second brother know that Dad loves each of them.

The little brain is overloaded, struggling alone under the lamp at night.

After finishing his homework, Yu Yingze came out of the room, suddenly a little bored, and wanted to find someone to play with for a while.

Brother should still be learning this point, after thinking about it, he chose Yu Yuanyuan as his target.

This little cub doesn't need to go to school, what can he do?
When they came to the door, the bedroom door was ajar, Yu Yingze knocked on the door and asked, "Are you asleep?"

As soon as he heard the voice of the second brother, the little boy who was writing quickly swept the brush and draft paper into the drawer: "Not yet...not yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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