The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1430 The apex of the heart is still uncomfortable for a while

The staff suddenly pulled out a small shelf with a plush toy hanging on it, and it was placed at the furthest distance behind Yu Yuanyuan.

Children have certain errors in their perception of directions, especially if they are blindfolded and rely on passwords to distinguish, even adults may not be successful.

Thinking of this, He Chen had to quietly lament the cruelty of the program group.

It even arranged for adult guests to deliberately say the wrong password!
This is simply difficult!
Xiao Zai Zai, who has always had a record of unbeatable victories, is having a hard time today.

"Okay, the countdown starts in 2 minutes!" The host ordered, and the numbers on the screen began to count down.

Every 30 seconds, there will be a reminder to remind the blindfolded guests how much time is left.

In fact, Yu Yuanyuan has no concept of time, but the countdown still aggravates her sense of urgency.

"Yuanyuan turns around slowly in the direction where she doesn't eat, don't worry," Shen Ji's voice is very gentle, just like his usual tone when he is giving tutoring to Xiao Zai Zai, "Yes, yes, turn a little bit more, that's right, very good."

It was only then that He Chen's distracted thoughts woke up. If he didn't stop, if Yu Yuanyuan just walked straight like this, he would be able to touch the doll!
The studio was filled with all kinds of smells, and Yu Yuanyuan brought the doll with her eyes covered. She tried to sniff her nose, trying to distinguish it by smell, but it made her even more confused.

What does the doll smell like?

She had never seen it, let alone smelled it!
Various smells floated in the air, and Xiao Zai Zai suddenly became a little nervous.

If she can't tell the difference, she can only rely on brother Shen Ji, but her little boy also wants to do something on his own.

Yu Zaizai, who gave up relying on her sense of smell, was a little nervous from head to toe, and raised her little hands slightly, leaning on her side to help her maintain her balance.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't see, afraid of falling, she stepped on small steps and moved little by little in the direction Shen Ji said, before she could stop, she heard another voice.

"Yuanyuan, keep turning, keep going, keep going, keep going, hey! That's right!" He Chen smoothly joined the password and started the "troubleshooting" he had to do.

Shen Ji instantly sensed the intention of He Chen's voice, glanced at him lightly, and said, "Yuanyuan, brother Shen's role this round is a bad guy, you can't listen to his password."

Now that so many people are recording the show, even if He Chen is a little unhappy, it is impossible to make a noise at this time.

In particular, he believes that He Chen and his heart are the same, and they both hope that Yuanyuan can win.

But He Shen uttered the wrong password to interfere with Yu Yuanyuan, the staff must have just given the adult guest a new "identity" and "task".

"That's not true, why would I talk nonsense? Yuanyuan, you have to trust me!" He Chen was forced to enter the play. He had to act realistically enough to trick Xiao Zai Zai into making a wrong turn, and Jiang Zi could be the next one. The first phase of recording strives for an advantage.

I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, the overall situation is the most important thing.

Xiao Zai Zai stayed where he was after listening to Shen Ji and He Chen's password.

Her eyes were blindfolded, and no one knew what this little cub was thinking while standing there alone.

Originally, Brother Haoyi wanted to play games with her, but because of Brother Shen Ji, Brother Haoyi couldn't be his partner in this recording.

Although the children have chosen their own good friends, Yu Yuanyuan still feels that it is a pity that Brother Hao cannot play games.

Thinking of He Chen's disappointed gaze before, Xiao Zai Zai felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

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