The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1432 I am the stupidest one

The toy had been kept in the prop room for a long time, and after the staff took it out, they just vacuumed it and cleaned it up.

But the smell that has lingered on it for many years cannot be completely removed.

Listening to Shen Ji's password just now, Xiao Zai Zai guessed that she should be very close to the target, so he tried to distinguish the direction of the smell closest to him.

When the faint musty smell wafted over, Yu Yuanyuan locked on it accurately, and rushed forward!
Facts have proved that her method is really useful at critical moments.

The game was won, but when He Chen thought of his "villain" role, he still felt guilty and dared not face Yu Zaizai.

After celebrating the victory with Shen Ji, Xiao Zai Zai glanced at He Chen, and a few seconds later, that small body rolled over like a ball.

"Brother delicious~~" Yu Zaizai opened his arms while running, "Are you lying to Yuanyuan just now?"

He Chen's cheeks flushed, and he hesitated and replied: "Yes...but I was forced! It was arranged by the program team!"

Unavoidably affecting the second group that had already started, He Chen carried Xiao Zai Zai and moved to the back of the crowd.

"Hey, did you have fun just now, brother delicious?" Yu Zaizai knew that he was lying to himself, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he blinked his bright eyes to take care of his mood.

It's almost like being on tenterhooks!

But Yu Yuanyuan's shining eyes were clearly expecting him to answer "Happy".

He Chen suppressed the guilt in his heart, and forced a sincere smile: "Happy, very happy."

"Hey hey, just be happy~" Xiao Zai Zai's furry head touched his chin.

He Chen, who was still depressed before, all his bad emotions flew away at this moment. He hugged the small body in his arms, as if he had received an invisible gift, he was so excited that he unconsciously swayed from side to side.

and many more!

The scene of the game just now flashed through He Chen's mind!

Combined with Xiao Zai Zai's seemingly random question, he suddenly discovered that for every deceptive password he issued in the game, Xiao Zai Zai would obediently follow that password and turn it wrong.

Is it true that Yuanyuan is too innocent and easy to be deceived?
He Chen doesn't think so now.

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to consider that he also participated in the game, so she listened to his password first, so that He Chen also had a sense of participation.

Even if Xiao Zai Zai didn't say anything, the sensitive He Chen had already sorted out all his conjectures clearly.

Shen Ji stood at the side of the crowd and seemed to be seriously watching the other teams' games, but from the corner of his eyes, he kept looking at the direction of He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan consciously or unconsciously.

Yuanyuan will continue to record with He Chen in the next episode, and Shen Ji won't come forward to interrupt the harmony and beauty constructed in front of the camera just because of Yuanyuan's short-term charity.

The character set that has finally stood up must not fall down.

In front of the camera, any small movement will be magnified and interpreted.

The second group to participate in the game was Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian. The two children were talking with each other. They were disturbed by Jin Man and almost cried out of anxiety.

In the end, Jinman was forced to give up "making trouble".

Ling Zi and Yang Ke were also deceived by Xing Junqian a few times at the beginning, gradually guessing his plot, and did not listen to his password anymore.

Wen Ai, who was usually reticent, was smarter this time.

He didn't interfere with wrong instructions when he first came. He first used correct instructions to gain the trust of Yu Fangheng and Sun Chengyu, and gradually interfered with wrong instructions, and successfully deceived Sun Chengyu several times.

It wasn't until the game was over that the host announced the identity of the adult guest: "Do you think that your partner who cooperated with you in the past seems to be doing bad things today?"

After saying that, Su Zhirui glanced at Jin Man quietly, and nodded vigorously.

"That's because their task is to make the little guests believe the password with their performances. As long as the little guests believe and make a wrong turn once, they will be able to help them get points. These points will bring advantages in the next recording. !"

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan heard it, she immediately said "Yeah": "Really...really baaaah!!"

Lin Liran was even more surprised than her.

Thinking of himself laughing at Yu Yuanyuan for being fooled by He Chen's password time and time again, he now feels that he is the stupidest one...

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