Xiao Zai Zai covered her mouth and signaled Qiu Yang that she would keep it a secret.

But as soon as Qiu Yang raised his head——

What the hell is this little bean doing? ?

Why did he seem to have discovered some terrible secret, so mysterious, there were too many emotions in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

Qiu Yang:?
Did he make that little bean misunderstand something weird?

Qiu Yang originally wanted to catch Yu Yuanyuan and ask for clarification, but the host announced that the last round of the game was about to start this morning, so everyone was ready to continue recording.

When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back abruptly, making his heart ache.

Everyone else stood shoulder to shoulder with their good friends, but Qiu Yang and Lin Liran were like two ends of a bridge, separated by as far as possible.

This round of the game requires the participation of the live audience, and everyone gets a voting device.

The staff rolled out two long hangers, which were filled with all kinds of clothes and pants, in all colors.

"This round of the game is relatively easy." The host smiled and raised his hand to indicate the hanger beside him, "The children have to match their good friends with a set of clothes that they think are the best. We vote with the voting machines in our hands."

There is really no sense of urgency for matching clothes. Instead, the children are eager to try and have already discussed with their good friends how to choose clothes.

Yu Yuanyuan also switched from He Chen's body to Shen Ji's side.

"What kind of clothes does brother Shen Ji like?" Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head and asked seriously.

"Yuanyuan, you live here, so you need to choose the one with more fabric." Shen Ji patted that little head, leaving only one request.

When the clothes were rolled out, Shen Ji had already sized them up secretly. There were women's clothes and men's clothes, and he was taller than the other children. He was worried that the clothes Yu Yuanyuan chose would not fit in, or that he would have to show his waist after stuffing them in It sure looks weird.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded seriously: "Understood!"

When the matching game started, Yu Yuanyuan was the first to be caught out to choose clothes.

She was the kid with the shortest completion time in the last round of the game, and unexpectedly became the No.1 link.

"Please, Shen Ji, come here." The host brought Shen Ji to stand in front of a background board.

Without Yu Yuanyuan by his side, and with so many people staring at him in the auditorium, Shen Ji suddenly felt strongly uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey, hey~~" Yu Yuanyuan dangled in front of the clothes hanger, her small body looked very serious, "What should Brother Shen Ji wear?"

Shen Ji, who had nowhere to place his eyes, focused on the busy little figure.

He really wanted to say a few more words to remind, but the host quietly made a "shh" gesture, implying that he could not speak anymore.

That's it...

Shen Ji watched helplessly as Yu Yuanyuan dragged out a fluorescent green jacket, a pink T-shirt, and a pair of pure white trousers.

What kind of killing matt death match is this! !
Just when He Chen was covering his mouth and sniggering beside him, secretly glad that he didn't wear the clothes, he was suddenly cueed out by the host.

He Chen cleared his throat, and walked forward pretending to be puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Now you have a chance to replace one of the items. Are you willing to use this authority to replace it?"

What!There is such a good thing!

He Chen could hardly contain the excitement in his heart, and almost laughed out loud.

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