The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1447 hooked into the arms

Chapter 1447 hooked into the arms

Qiu Yang couldn't believe it, he took two steps forward, but was held back by Lin Liran.

The mission Yu Yuanyuan switched to for the third time was indeed not the option he guessed, but another one——

Find a black object within 10s and stand on it for 10s.

After the host finished reading, the countdown sounded on the display.

"Yuanyuan, quickly find something black to stand on top of, and keep it there for 10 seconds!" the host reminded anxiously.

The previously relaxed atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Xiao Zaizai was still standing there dumbfounded, when suddenly something flew over from the ground.

I don't know when Shen Ji took off his coat and threw it in the air, just in front of Yu Yuanyuan.

His coat, which happened to be black.

"Yuanyuan, stand on the coat and listen to my password."

"Ow~" The still a little confused Xiao Zai Zai cooperated subconsciously.

She even kicked off her shoes obediently before stepping on Shen Ji's coat with her socks on.

The moment the two feet stood still, the countdown to find the black item was over!

Many people at the scene were clapping their hearts, so nervous that sweat almost flowed into their eyes.

If he had been slower, Yuanyuan Cub would have lost!

"Yuanyuan, don't move from now on, listen to my password."

Xiao Zai Zai immediately froze like a small ice cube, obediently froze on Shen Ji's coat, his little hand was still raised in the air, not daring to move.

There was no preparation for the movement, Yu Yuanyuan was in a hurry to find the most comfortable position for herself.

But, but, Brother Shen Ji said he can't move now!

Listening to the tick-tock countdown, the moment the number returned to zero, the audience burst into applause.

"Yuanyuan, it's fine, you can move now!" Shen Ji stepped forward slowly, ready to help Yu Zaizai down to put on his shoes.

But the little cub, who had been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, tried to move his arms and feet. The moment he stomped his heels down, his coat rubbed against the ground and his feet slipped.

The chubby figure roared and fell backwards.

"Ah, Yuanyuan! Be careful!" Su Zhirui turned pale with fright.

A figure was as fast as the wind, no one saw clearly how he rushed to Yu Yuanyuan's side.

I saw that slender arm strongly and powerfully hooked the small body that was leaning back, and then hooked the little ball-like guy into his arms.

Shen Ji had quick hands and eyes, and hugged Yu Yuanyuan before everyone else.

The incident happened suddenly, Yu Yuanyuan didn't understand what was going on, and the shock ended abruptly.

But after the little brain realized what happened just now, she still groaned in fear: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

"It's all right." Shen Ji patted the little head in his arms lightly, "Yuanyuan is all right."

"Wow~~" Xiao Zai Zai cried twice, then struggled to raise his feet, "Brother Shen Ji put on clothes quickly, he will get sick~"

"Okay, help Yuanyuan put on the shoes first, okay?" After speaking, Shen Ji stretched out his hand and brought the two pairs of small shoes on the side to her.

"Hey, I really want to see Zai Zai put on his shoes!"

"Yeah, the little round shoes are so cute!"

Yu Yuanyuan patted the shoes on the ground, and raised her feet confidently: "Yuanyuan can wear it by herself~~Yuanyuan is amazing~"

The chubby little body sat down on the coat, raised the soft little foot, grabbed a shoe and tried hard to put it on the foot.

Hey, after finishing one set, I changed to another one.

"Wow, Cub Yuanyuan is amazing, he can put on shoes by himself at such a young age."

"Thank you to the program team, and have a happy day sucking cubs."

Cries of excitement echoed from the auditorium.

(End of this chapter)

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