The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1455 The biggest uncertain factor

Chapter 1455 The biggest uncertain factor

"It doesn't matter, many children are filming for the first time, and after being guided, they will perform well," Yu Cangnan blocked almost every objection of Yu Jinxiao, "What's more, Yuanyuan is so smart, she must be fine, right? "

Good guy.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, secretly surprised in his heart.

In order to deceive Yu Yuanyuan into filming, the second elder brother has already learned to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

"Hey hey hey~~yes~" Xiao Zai Zai, who had successfully entered the trap, had already started a familiar smirk.

"Movies and cameos are different. Second brother, you know better than me that Yuanyuan doesn't have the experience of playing a complete role for a long time." Yu Jinxiao was not only worried about Xiao Zai Zai, but also considered Yu Cangnan's works.

Apart from his family, this second brother devotes all his time to filming movies.

Every work is like a child made by himself. He never favors one over another, and spends all the energy and financial resources he can give at the moment.

It's not that he doesn't believe that Yu Yuanyuan can't do it, but he's worried that the second brother will make this decision for a while and regret it later.

Yuanyuan is still too young, she may be the biggest uncertain factor.

"Yuanyuan can learn from Mama~" Without waiting for Yu Cangnan to find an excuse, Yu Zaizai picked up the conversation by himself, "Mama is so good at acting, Yuanyuan can learn from her! Hehehe!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." How can I make this little mouth quiet for a while?
"That's right, Yitong's blood is flowing on Yuanyuan's body, and she must have inherited Yitong's amazing acting skills!" Yu Cangnan secretly thanked Xiao Zaizai for helping him find a good excuse, "I believe Yuanyuan must not It’s a question, isn’t it, Yuanyuan?”

"Hey hey~ yes da~ yes da~" Xiao Zai Zai raised the spoon and shook it left and right like a light stick.

"Besides, He Chen is the male protagonist who plays opposite Yuanyuan." As if to strengthen Xiao Zai Zai's determination, Yu Cangnan threw out another tempting condition.

"Wow wow wow, can you film a movie with Brother Haoyue?" Xiao Zaizai was really excited, and almost put his claws into his own small bowl.

"That's right, that's right," Yu Cangnan lay on the table like a hamster, gurgling and talking to Xiao Zai Zai, "You guys play brother and sister in the movie!"


Yu Jinxiao didn't understand why Yu Yuanyuan was so excited, she probably had no idea what she would face when filming in the desert.

She is still too young, and there are many things that can only be seen as vague concepts in front of her eyes, and she will not think deeply about other consequences.

"This matter is not a child's play, let's talk about it after I go downstairs and have a good talk with her." Yu Jinxiao probably settled the matter as soon as the two sang and agreed, and with one sentence, Yu Cangnan and Xiao Zai Zai were about to be connected.

Yu Cangnan smiled embarrassingly, "That's fine, I'll just... wait for your reply."

After dinner, when Yu Jinxiao sent Yu Cangnan back, he turned around every step of the way, as if he wanted to stay and say a few more words.

But my younger brother's face was as cold as ice, and there seemed to be no room for negotiation.

After sending Yu Cangnan away, Yu Jinxiao turned his head and locked his target on Xiao Qiuqiu who was following behind: "Yu Yuanyuan, follow me to the study."

Xiao Zai Zai, who was about to play with Da Hua for a while: "Karma?"

Baba's tone sounded a bit scary, could it be... because at the dinner table she promised Erbo to make a movie? ?

The bewildered little Zai Zai walked up behind his buttocks with dull eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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