The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1474 Spotted on this food

Chapter 1474 Spotted on this food

"There are wolves!!" A sharp cry sounded in the night sky.

Yu Jinxiao quickly stuffed Yu Zaizai into the sleeping bag, and immediately got up to look at the situation outside the tent.

He Shuxuan and other bodyguards woke up, obviously they also heard the cry that pierced the night sky just now.

The direction of the scream just now... seems to be the direction of He Yitong's lounge!
If she heard something, maybe she would open the door and see, in case...

Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to open the door curtain and went out, raised his hand and pointed in: "Look at Yuanyuan."

"Yes!" He Shuxuan nodded resolutely, already covering the gun at his waist in his hand.

Carrying a weapon is also for safety. Unless it is a last resort, try not to use it, so as not to cause panic.

There are too many people on the set, and it is easy to spread some troublesome things.

Yu Jinxiao pushed aside the chaotic crowd, and saw two figures standing there strangely and motionless on the set from afar.

Yu Jinxiao suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

But when Yu Jinxiao approached, he found that He Yitong's eyes were a little... different!
She frowned slightly, as if she wasn't afraid of the two wolves at all, her eyes were filled with a kind of ruthlessness that he had never seen before, and she stared at the wolves' eyes firmly.

"Don't worry, she went to my tent to find me, she's safe now."

He followed the sound and saw that the little ball was standing not far away, only three meters away from the two wolves.

There are still rustling noises in the nearby woods. Wolves live in packs, and there may be other wolves lurking in the dark.

Didn't He Shuxuan look at her?How could I hear Yu Yuanyuan's voice here! ! !

But the two wolves seemed to have spotted the food and didn't want to give up easily.

Looking down, there are two skinny wolves holding the road.

Yu Jinxiao didn't care about anything, he just wanted to make sure that He Yitong was safe.

The two wolves, who were clearly ready to attack, dared to stand still and grin their teeth, not daring to take a step forward.

Everyone is running, but they...

Some ran away, some looked for things as weapons, and some screamed and hid with their mobile phones to take pictures.

Animals will follow their instincts to survive. Without food, they will die, so it is better to take a risk.

Yu Jinxiao deliberately slowed down, he was afraid that his movement would cause the wolf to attack He Yitong.

"Did you see Yuanyuan?" He Yitong's face showed fear, "She disappeared as soon as I woke up, and I haven't found her yet..."

The door is open.

He slowly approached He Yitong from the back position, in order to protect her to a safe place.

"Ba Ba!" The voice of the little milk, which seemed to be against him, sounded at this time.

The one who was forced to stop on the road to confront the two wolves was He Yitong!
She was wrapped in a warm military overcoat, and even though she was stared at by two hungry wolves, she did not show a look of overly frightened.

However, when his eyes glanced at the door of the lounge, his heart couldn't help but thump.

Many people were so frightened that they cried, but her calmness was different.

Yu Jinxiao finally approached He Yitong bit by bit, and gently blocked her behind him with his arms.

They broke into human territory at night, probably because they had been hungry for a long time and had no other choice.

Even if she was told to run at this time, how could those short legs outrun two wolves!

Yu Zaizai didn't notice the two wolves at all, they ran out to look for Baba.

But why is there a heavy breathing sound next to him?

The little head turned slowly, and when it saw the two wolves not far away, the little round ball froze completely: "'s a wolf..."

(End of this chapter)

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