The atmosphere was finally eased, because the package of biscuits was broken again.

The two wolves watched intently, when suddenly a pile of small pieces flew into its face, making the two wolves howl in fright, and immediately opened their fangs and began to threaten everything around them.

"Well, you human child, how dare you sneak attack us!"

"Bite her to death and drag her away!!"

The little cub, who could understand the wolf's words, was trembling with fright: "For the cloth chicken, Yuanyuan didn't do it on purpose, he just eats it, really eats it! It's Yuanyuan's favorite food!"

"Oh, don't quibble, you just want to kill us!"

Yu Zaizai's feet were shaking, as were his arms: "No, it's really edible, it's just that it was crushed... Yuanyuan didn't put it on your face on purpose, right Buji. "

In the eyes of others, these two wolves seemed to be ready to pounce on Yu Yuanyuan at any moment.

Her round, white and tender appearance, not to mention a wolf, makes people want to bite her twice.

It's just that her trembling appearance doesn't seem to be faking. The two wolves didn't attack right away, but kept staring at her repeatedly, as if to make sure she wasn't lying.

I tore the pocket too hard just now, and all the biscuits fell to the ground.

Good guy, the two wolves actually said it was unpalatable! !

It turns out...she can really understand?Moreover, the wolf also understands what she said?It's just incredible!
"It doesn't taste good," the wolf ate a few mouthfuls, then vomited it all up in disgust, and vomited, "What kind of crap is this, and humans eat this?"

The biggest but thin wolf responded lightly, and walked cautiously towards the broken biscuits on the ground.

When Yu Yuanyuan heard that her favorite biscuit was disliked by others, she became anxious immediately, and jumped out from Yu Jinxiao's legs, waving her paw angrily: "What duck, Jie is Yuanyuan's favorite food, it is delicious and delicious. It's delicious! It's fine if you don't eat it, but you still... you still dislike it, woo woo woo, Yuanyuan doesn't have anything to eat, I'll give it all to you!"

But Yu Yuanyuan talked back and forth with the wolf, and judging from the wolf's reaction, it seemed that she really understood.

At the beginning, everyone was sweating for Yu Yuanyuan, thinking that she was talking in fantasy, and wanted to resolve this crisis.

The scene in front of him was indescribably weird, and everyone around him was stunned.

"It's unpalatable, but it's okay if you can fill your stomach." It pouted, licked off the biscuit crumbs on its face, and acted fiercely again, "We don't eat this kind of human food! We want to eat meat! Take it!" Here comes the meat!"

Ba Ba and Ma Ma watched, Yu Zai Zai knew that it was impossible to pick it up from the ground and eat it again, so he had to bear the pain and pay tribute to the two wolves.

The little boy's heart is about to break.

The other wolf didn't believe in evil, and also took two bites, eating a little more than the other wolf.

"Boss, I'm watching them, you try it first." One of the wolves said sharply.


Some people even took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures, as if they had forgotten how terrible it would be if these two wolves were really fierce.

Everyone saw that the huge wolf really licked the biscuits on the ground.

"Meat??" Xiao Zaizai turned his head to look around when he heard this, "But there is no meat in the medium."

She completely forgot that she was a delicious meatball.

Yu Jinxiao heard some clues from Xiao Zai Zai's words, and pulled the little body with his hands: "What did they say?"

"Baba, they say they don't eat biscuits, they want to eat meat...but there is no meat for them to eat in the medium."

Xiao Zai Zai's eyes looked everywhere, and everyone who was swept by her eyes shuddered.

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