Chapter 1495
This feeling of being forced to accept a large number of unfamiliar voices can make people irritable and resistant.

Especially since Yu Yuanyuan is still so young, such things will only increase the pressure on her.

"Puba, baba~~" Yu Zaizai rushed over with a grin and raised his claws, "Look, Maomao~"

Xiao Zai Zai touched the air conditioner just now, and a handful of white hairs hung on the palm of his hand, as if he had just blown a dandelion.

"Mingxi, how are you?" Yu Jinxiao suddenly said something, blocked the palm of the little boy, and wiped the little claws with a towel.

Yu Mingxi smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine, Dad, don't worry."

Recently, Yu Mingxi's condition has indeed stabilized a lot, and he even seldom takes medicine, and the smiles on his face every day are more than before.

Probably because of the big stone in his heart, all the regrets and pressure that had been in Yu Mingxi's heart were gone.

People are happy, and the whole state has improved a lot.

Yu Jinxiao, who fell into new anxiety again, did not want to drag Yu Mingxi into trouble again.

"Father, in fact, Yuanyuan's situation...does it have nothing to do with psychology?" Yu Mingxi deliberately slowed down to stand side by side with Yu Jinxiao while the little cub was bouncing around in front, "I have felt that Yuanyuan is a very A special existence, maybe these are her abilities that are different from ordinary people."

How could Yu Jinxiao not understand.

But when he thought of the little cub who came to look for him crying and chirping yesterday, his frightened appearance and trembling little claws...

She is really scared.

This ability may be new at first, but as the situation gets out of control, it may bring more and more troubles and annoyances.

Yu Jinxiao understood Xiao Zai Zai's thinking very well.

If she had to choose, she would only want to hear meow talking, as for other small animals... especially that annoying bird, she didn't want to hear it at all.

If you will hear mosquitoes, flies, small flying insects and so on in the future, it will be even more terrifying!

Yu Jinxiao even imagined such a scene——

Xiao Zaizai was playing with toys in the bedroom, when he suddenly heard someone talking in the room, but he couldn't find where the voice was after looking around.

Such are the dire consequences of hearing mosquitos talk!
Even if it was an adult, it would be scary enough, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to end up in such a bad situation, so he intervened.

He is her most trusted father!
"I know Yuanyuan is very special," Yu Jinxiao sighed, how could he not know, since the time he fell into the river, he knew that his Yuanyuan was different, "But when Yuanyuan came to look for me yesterday, she was very special. I'm afraid, and I'm also worried that if I let it go and continue to develop, this situation will bring trouble and pressure to her."

Yu Mingxi didn't speak, looking at the back of Zai Zai, who was still happy at present, fell into deep thought.

Dad's worries are not unreasonable.

Yuanyuan is only three years old. She will grow up, make friends at school, and study. She will have many friends, but if this voice invades her life indiscriminately, her future will be turned upside down.

When Yu Jinxiao and Yu Mingxi went back, Yu Yingze ran downstairs to ask about the situation, but he hadn't opened his mouth yet. Seeing the dejected looks of his father and brother, he knew that the matter was not settled.

On the other hand, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be happy again, chirping and quacking that she met a cute cat today, and talked endlessly about herself and Maomao being translators.

"By the way, Yuanyuan, don't tell Shen Ji about this, you know?" Yu Jinxiao thought that Shen Ji would come over this afternoon, so he immediately reminded the little Tangyuan.

"But Brother Shen Ji knows~" Yu Zaizai was confused.

Yu Jinxiao: "!! When did you know?"

"A long time ago~"

"Before I knew it?"


Crit three in a row!

(End of this chapter)

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