The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1497 'Minus' This Ability

Chapter 1497 'Minus' This Ability

"Please come in." Yu Mingxi didn't go to the library with his classmates today, so he simply previewed the next semester's study at home.

He thought it was his father or Yu Yingze who came looking for him, but he didn't expect that it was Shen Ji who opened the door.

"What's the matter?" Putting down the book in his hand, Yu Mingxi invited Shen Ji to sit beside the bed.

Shen Ji stepped forward, and after deliberating for a while, he asked, "Yuanyuan is recent...can you hear the voice of the bird?"

Yu Mingxi nodded lightly: "Yes, as for what happened yesterday, she also heard the wolf talking when she went to visit the crew before."

"Does Mr. Yu have any plans to solve it?" Shen Ji wanted to help, but ordinary people often feel that they have nowhere to go when they encounter such a thing.

"Today I took Yuanyuan to see a psychiatrist," Yu Mingxi covered his mouth and smiled as he thought of something, "but it didn't help."

It literally means nothing, but Yu Mingxi is laughing...why laughing?

Seeing the doubt in Shen Ji's eyes, Yu Mingxi described the situation in the studio, laughing while talking.

Obviously he wanted to take Yuanyuan to solve the problem, but later on, Yu Mingxi felt that his father paid Yuanyuan to be a small animal translator.

When Shen Ji thought of Yuanyuan's cute appearance, the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched, but the happiness only lasted for a few seconds, and it was more worried that shrouded his heart.

"If Yuanyuan can hear more and more animal voices, maybe it will be a little troublesome." Shen Ji also reached an agreement with them.

This special ability can bring advantages, but it can also bring troubles. Shen Ji faintly feels that this ability may develop out of control.

If the usual chirping of birds and insects and the leisurely barking of dogs were all turned into voices of various tones, crowding the ears, the world would also become noisy and disturbed by this full feeling.

"What is Mr. Yu going to do next?" Shen Ji knew Yu Jinxiao's temper.

If the psychiatrist can't get through this one, he will definitely think of other ways.

"I don't know yet, but Dad seems to be very worried these days, and I want to share it too, but in the afternoon I searched for a lot of related things on the Internet, and it was either deceptive or useless information." Yu Mingxi sighed , he is used to not passing on bad emotions to others. He is obviously very depressed, but the corner of his mouth always keeps a smile.

"Maybe it's because of the glowing bubbles when she fell into the river that stimulated Yuanyuan's special ability, and she 'evolved'."

While thinking, Shen Ji made an analysis: "This is probably like a water with only a little sweetness, suddenly a sugar dropped into it."

"Then will there be... a way to dilute this 'sugar'?" Under the influence of Shen Ji, Yu Mingxi also turned his mind to a thought that surprised him.

The two fell silent at the same time, Yu Mingxi's eyes gradually fell, and suddenly looked at Shen Ji's palm.

That undisguised gaze made Shen Ji uncomfortable for a while, and he curled up his hands: "What's wrong?"

"That white light protects Yuanyuan, that's for sure," Yu Mingxi felt as if an idea was about to take shape in his mind, "It seems that what appeared on Yuanyuan's body was good luck and the light that protected her. It's good for her, and maybe the ability to hear little animals talk is the same."

Shen Ji nodded, without interrupting Yu Mingxi's analysis.

"Perhaps this ability to hear small animals is also beneficial to Yuanyuan, but she is still young... suddenly magnifying this ability will become a sweet burden."

At this point, Shen Ji already roughly guessed Yu Mingxi's intention: "You mean, you want me to see if you can 'subtract' this ability for Yuanyuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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