The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1499 Is it okay or not

Yu Mingxi immediately understood what Shen Ji meant, and led Xiao Zai Zai out again.

Birds are very common in the villa area. Before walking too far, I saw countless small black shadows jumping on a big tree.

"Yuanyuan, can you hear those birds talking?" Yu Mingxi raised his hand and pointed.

Xiao Zai Zai stepped back a little, and walked forward slowly under Yu Mingxi's guidance.

She looked up at the branches blankly, and shook her head after a while: "I can't hear you~"

"Did Yuanyuan hear anything?"

After hearing what his brother said, Xiao Zaizai tilted his head and listened carefully for a long time, then suddenly cried out: "Ah duck! Yuanyuan can only hear birds chirping, but no other sounds!"

Yu Mingxi looked at Shen Ji excitedly, with a happy light in his eyes.

Just as he expected!
The "things" in Shen Ji's body can offset this special ability in Yuanyuan's body.

"Why so purple?" Yu Zaizai was completely stunned, scratching his head in a daze.

The birds above the head were chirping, and it was no longer the loud voices that entered the ears.

"Yuanyuan, if you hear other animals talking later," Shen Ji knelt down and lightly held Yuanyuan's shoulders, "remember to tell me."

Yu Mingxi smiled mysteriously: "If Yuanyuan doesn't want to hear so many voices, she just needs to shake hands with brother Shen Ji!"

"Really?" The small face was raised excitedly, and the small body was spinning happily like a spinning top, "Wow, I really can't hear you! It's the same as before!"

The little cub who was happily running around celebrated for a few minutes, suddenly thought of something, frowned and looked at the branch.

The cute facial features squeezed together, as if staring at the group of sparrows thinking.

"What's wrong, Yuanyuan?"

"Yuanyuan doesn't know if they have said bad things about Yuanyuan now." After saying that, Xiao Zai Zai put her hands on her hips depressed.

Yu Mingxi was amused, and led her back, "If you can't hear me, just pretend you didn't, and Yuanyuan won't be disturbed by them!"

"Yes, yes~" Yu Zaizai suddenly broke free, and quickly rushed towards the villa, "Puaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Still in the study, Yu Jinxiao heard a series of small voices calling from the window.

The series of "pull and pull", from the yard to the door of the study, finally saw the small body.

"What's the matter?" Yu Jinxiao stopped his hands and opened his left arm by his side, ready to meet this excited little ball.

Yu Yuanyuan pounced on her arm with a grunt, and Yu Jinxiao happened to pull her into his arms.

"Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan can't hear Niao Niao anymore!" Xiao Zai Zai was so happy that he smirked "hehehe".

Yu Jinxiao paused, then frowned in the next second, and the worry in his eyes became more intense: "What's wrong? Are your ears uncomfortable? Or is it uncomfortable?"

"Ah," Xiao Zaizai was stunned by the question, and shook his head after turning his head for a long time, "Yuanyuan's ears are useless~ I can't hear the voices of birds!"

Can't hear?

You can still hear it in the morning, but suddenly you can’t hear it in the afternoon?

Is this the credit of seeing a psychiatrist?Still doesn't count?

Xiao Zaizai turned his head to look at the sofa by the window, and found that Da Hua was lying on the sofa sleeping there, and his heart tightened: "Ah, Dafa! You can't come in the house, Ba Ba will be angry."

The dazed Dahua yawned: "Meow? He hasn't caught up with me recently!"

In the cat world, not catching up is tantamount to acquiescing.

"Really? Did Baba allow Dafa to sleep in the intermediary?" Xiao Zaizai asked, turning his head.

Yu Jinxiao felt his head becoming more and more confused.

Didn't Xiao Zai Zai say that she couldn't hear Niao Niao?Why are you talking to Dahua again?
So, is she okay or not? !

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