The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1508 That was the broadcast, not the pot

Chapter 1508 That was the broadcast, not the pot

Shen Ji never thought of watching it with Xiao Zai Zai.

He should be at his home when the show starts, this is a scenario that Shen Ji never imagined.

"Brother Shen Ji, what's the matter tomorrow?" Yu Zaizai looked like a drooping little sunflower, with his shoulders drooping.

The little eyes are pitiful, as if those who let her down are sinners.

Especially this person is still jealous of himself.

How could he have the heart to let Xiao Zai Zai suffer a little bit of grievance.

"I'm fine, but..."

"But what a horse?"

"I'm not sure it's inconvenient for Fang to stay tomorrow."

Shen Ji wanted to stay in his heart, but for a child who is considerate, of course he needs to ask an adult for his opinion.

This adult is not Shen Juya, but Yu Jinxiao.

Since it was Xiao Zai Zai who invited her to watch it together, of course it was at Yu's house, so the owner of the house had to be respected.

"It's convenient!" Xiao Zai Zai croaked loudly, "It's convenient to level up!"

"You should have asked Mr. Yu, this is the polite behavior." Shen Ji's tone was very steady, without the slightest hint of rejection. So far, how could Xiao Zai Zai still be confused.

She immediately slipped off the stool and bounced on the ground like a little ball: "Yuanyuan, go ask Baba~"

Thinking of what to do, Yu Zaizai pushed open the door, and ran with a clatter of slippers.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the study, Yu Jinxiao floated out a cold reminder: "Yu Yuanyuan, don't run around in slippers, it's easy to fall."

The little cub who just appeared by the door at this time had a shocked face: "Baba knew it was Yuanyuan before he saw it!"

Oh, do you still need to look at it?
Just by hearing the little pattering footsteps, I knew it was this little glutinous rice ball, and there was no dog at home.

"What are you doing running so fast?" Yu Jinxiao didn't want to tangle with her footsteps, and at a glance, he knew that there was something wrong with Xiao Zai Zai running so fast.

"Yuanyuan's show will start tomorrow!" Yu Zaizai suddenly increased the volume.

Yu Jinxiao shook the palm of his hand while holding the phone, boil the pot?What kind of pot are you cooking?Open the pot to cook small glutinous rice balls?
"That's the start of the broadcast, not the start of the pot," Yu Jinxiao immediately grasped the point, following Xiao Zai Zai's train of thought, "And then?"

"Yuanyuan wants to invite elder brother Shen Ji to watch the show together tomorrow!"

Yu Jinxiao stopped his movements again, and raised his eyes to look at the little guy by the door: "As long as Shen Ji's parents agree, there will be no problem."

"Okay!" The pattering footsteps ran away again.

"Yu Yuanyuan, I told you not to run around in slippers!"

Yu Jinxiao's roar floated from the study to the corridor, but he still couldn't catch up with the running speed of Xiao Zai Zai.

The little boy who returned to the study room screamed and squeezed in through the crack of the door: "Brother Shen Ji, Baba agreed! He said that as long as Brother Shen Ji's parents agree, it will be fine~"

"Well, I'll tell my family."

"Then brother Shen Ji will watch the show with Yuanyuan tomorrow?"


"Yeah, yeah~~"

The program that has been filmed so hard is finally about to start. Not only Xie Xin is a little nervous, but Yu Yingze, Yu Mingxi, and Yu Jinxiao can't help but think wildly.

Maybe this night, there will be heated discussions on the Internet again, and the result will be good or bad, no one can predict.

Yu Jinxiao even had someone contact a public relations company, and deal with any negative public opinion immediately.

2 hours before the start of the show.

Several people were sitting in the living room of Yu's house, except Yu Yuanyuan who was talking, Yu Yingze, Yu Mingxi, and Shen Ji were all looking down at their mobile phones.

The content of the brush is nothing more than related to the program and full of topics.

The program has not been officially released yet, and the enthusiasm for seeing Xiao Zai Zai in the topic is already very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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