The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1510 is so cute

Chapter 1510 is so cute
"Wow... Baba...'s... feet... have appeared." Yu Yuanyuan echoed intermittently in surprise.

Probably except for He Yitong, no one recognized that leg was Yu Jinxiao.

The camera was squatting to shoot Yu Yuanyuan, and she was the protagonist of the show. This angle persecuted Yu Yingze who was a little taller, and at the same time, only Yu Jinxiao's legs were photographed.

Before the person arrives, the legs come out first. I have to say that this vague effect really has an attractive mystery.

In the show, every child's daily life is interspersed and edited. Yu Jinxiao just showed a pair of legs, and the scene jumped to Su Zhirui's side.

Maybe it was preconceived, once the camera was switched to someone else, only Yu Yuanyuan was left excited in the living room + pad, and almost no one echoed.

But as soon as they returned to Yu Yuanyuan, everyone's backs straightened, their eyes widened, and their concentration was obviously different from the previous second.

Not good!

Yu Jinxiao knew what it was after seeing the picture.

This is when he and Yu Zaizai went to the park.

After experiencing various crises, looking back on the past in such a peaceful environment, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

When shooting these contents, he didn't know that Yuanyuan was Xiaobao, but he didn't treat Yuanyuan differently because of her "adopted" status.

At that time, he also really wanted to be nice to this little dumpling.

Before the scene of him and Yu Yuanyuan going to the park was played, the lives of other children seemed to be completely different from theirs.

Sun Chengyu went rock climbing with his father, Su Zhirui went to the mall with his father to buy Barbie dolls, Ling Zi went to the beach with his parents to bask in the sun, and Qiu Yang participated in the Rubik's Cube competition with his mother.

Finally arrived at Yu Yuanyuan's place——

Dad accompanied me to the park.

What did you do in the park?

Dancing in the square, eating candy painting, and finally a ring.

After editing, what happened in the ferrule was put at the end, and Yu Jinxiao probably guessed why the director made such an arrangement.

Because of this paragraph, there is kindness and cuteness unique to children.

His Yuanyuan cub is so cute!

The childlike dialogue between the cub who was caught in the ring and the boss who lost a leg made Aunt Chen and Sister Bei's eyes red.

They are like a person who was once riddled with wounds and met a lovely angel who can repair the wounds. The dialogue has no trace of interpretation. It is really true and sincere, which makes this passage particularly touching.

Even He Yitong quietly avoided the camera and wiped away tears.

Her family is so kind and cute!

The program group was not overly sensational, as if it was just telling such a cute episode, the atmosphere of the program returned to being happy and happy.

Every child just happened to show something they are good at in the show, only Yu Yuanyuan learned roller skating with her twins.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan looks... like Jiangsi!" The cub covered his face in embarrassment.

Ginger?Is this boiled fish?

"You want to talk about zombies," Yu Yingze understood instantly, "I didn't expect you to be so bold that you dare to learn this."

Before the camera was shooting her, Yu Yuanyuan had no idea what she looked like.

Seeing her stiff hands and feet on the camera, her little face was flushed, and she covered her face, sneaking a peek in embarrassment.

I saw the little cub on the screen shaking more and more violently, the figure that was originally some distance was getting closer and closer, the speed increased, and the face was quickly enlarged to occupy the entire screen, and it was stuck on the camera with a click.

This scene made Yu Yuanyuan stagger in fright, if it wasn't for Shen Ji's twisting, she might have rolled off the sofa.

 It will be updated from tomorrow to next Friday~ Please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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