The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1521 Head 1 Humming

Chapter 1521

There was a lot of discussion online.

Even on Yu Yuanyuan's way to school, several people passing by were discussing this program.

As soon as He Shuxuan heard their chat, before Yu Jinxiao could speak, he quietly rolled up the car window.

If they saw Miss Yuanyuan, that would be fine!

For Yu Yuanyuan, going to kindergarten seems to be a thing of the last century, so long ago that she almost can't remember clearly.

When he arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten, seeing the small figures in school uniforms and the teachers waiting at the door, Yu Zaizai began to feel restless again.

"Ms. Su~~~Yuanyuan misses you~~" As soon as she got out of the car, Yu Zaizai started to shout from a long distance away.

Fearing that the teacher would not see him, he jumped up and down and swung his claws vigorously in the direction of Teacher Su.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you can't run, you'll fall down, take it easy, walk slowly." Yu Jinxiao's big hand covered that little head, instantly freezing Yu Zaizai's excitement.

"Okay." Xiao Zai Zai stood still obediently.

"Yuanyuan!" Teacher Su also waved excitedly at her.

I didn't see the lovely children in a winter vacation, and every teacher was as excited as them.

Yu Jinxiao stood beside the car with one hand in his pocket, watching her walk towards the school gate as usual.

Looking at the swaying, lonely little figure, he felt an indescribable uneasiness and discomfort in his heart.

"Yu Yuanyuan!"

The little body stopped, and turned its head suspiciously: "What's the matter, Baba?"

The little guy walking towards the school gate wobbled back to his feet and stood still.

"You can't go with anyone after school, even if you know them, you have to wait for me, you know?"

"I know~"

"Well, okay, let's go." Yu Jinxiao tilted his shoulder, indicating that she could go in.

But the little body didn't take a few steps, and heard someone calling him behind him.

"Baba...Is there anything else?" Yu Zaizai wobbled back to his feet, like a little penguin waiting to be fed fish in an ocean park.

"Also, if you meet a suspicious villain, you should report it to the teacher. Don't believe what strangers say, especially if they trick you out of the kindergarten! Do you understand?"

"Crack!" The little penguin nodded obediently.

Yu Jinxiao waved his hand again, glanced at the teacher's direction from the corner of his eye, as if he could see a little helplessness in those eyes.

It is common for parents to be reluctant to part with their children, but for parents like Yu Jinxiao, who are carrying it and are reluctant to part with children in every cell of their body...

Indeed rare!
The back of Xiao Zai Zai wobbled, and he walked like a little doll caught in a clockwork.

Yu Jinxiao's heart trembled, such a small glutinous rice ball could not be seen for a whole day, would he encounter any danger again?

Although Yi Yuzhang had already locked up Laurie, Yu Jinxiao did not dare to take it lightly after being frightened a few times before.

But if it seems too nervous, arranging a bunch of bodyguards at the school gate... It seems inappropriate.

"Yu Yuanyuan!" Almost subconsciously, Yu Jinxiao called that lovely name again.

The little boy who was about to hold Teacher Su's hand turned his head: "Baba, what's the matter?"

Yu Jinxiao's head buzzed.


As soon as he saw the little figure, he couldn't help but want to call him back to him.

Seeing that Ba Ba was embarrassed and refused to speak, Xiao Zai Zai retracted his claws again and ran back to him.

You look at me with two pairs of eyes, and I look at you. Yu Jinxiao has repeated the same trick several times, but Yu Yuanyuan will take the trouble to come back and answer his call.

(End of this chapter)

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