The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1528 If you blink for one more second, you will lose money

Chapter 1528

In fact, when Yu Yuanyuan said that everyone always looked at her, Yu Jinxiao already guessed the reason.

Now the discussion of "Cute Explosion 1+1" is becoming more and more popular on the Internet, and he also pays attention to comments and some announcements. There is no doubt that Yu Yuanyuan is definitely the most popular child among them.

It's not that he sells melons and praises the fragrance of melons. Yu Yuanyuan looks so cute, so he is very easy to be remembered.

As long as people who have watched the show see her, they can immediately take their seats and recognize her as the "little star" in the show.

The people in the kindergarten should pay too much attention to her because of this.

"It should be because everyone has watched Yuanyuan's program and recognized Yuanyuan as someone on TV." Yu Jinxiao was not in a hurry to comfort, and first explained the situation to Xiao Tangyuan, "In their eyes, you are like a starlet Similarly, they will be curious and want to watch, just like when you see your favorite cake in a cabinet by the side of the road, you will also want to lie down and take a closer look.”

"Ah, so it's Jiang Zi!" Yu Zaizai suddenly realized, "So it's not because Yuanyuan is ugly!"

His gaze swept across the small ball from the rearview mirror.

Yu Jinxiao has seen a lot of cute children. In fact, Yu Yuanyuan's friends are all very beautiful, but compared with his little Tangyuan, Yu Jinxiao can't remember when the little Tangyuan was "ugly".

It can only be said that sometimes cuteness is different.

"But how long will they have to watch?" Xiao Zai Zai shrugged his shoulders again, "Yuan Yuan is not used to it."

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, he parked the car in front of a cake shop and rolled down the window.

It was a very famous cake shop in Jiangcheng, and the decoration was also very attractive. There were a wide variety of freshly baked cakes, breads, and biscuits beside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The store door is wide open, and the sweet smell continuously floats to the street, and everyone passing by will stop and sigh "It smells good".

"It smells so good~~" The same exclamation sounded from inside the car.

Even though Yu Zaizai was tied up in the child seat, he still tilted his head to look at the food in the window.

Those eyes were staring straight, as if blinking for a second longer would result in a loss.

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, and just parked the car for half an hour.

After staring blankly at Xiao Zai Zai for 30 minutes, he suddenly raised his paw and pointed out: "Baba, that cake looks delicious."

"Yu Yuanyuan, do you know that you watched the cake for 30 minutes just now?" Yu Jinxiao emphasized.

Xiao Zaizai doesn't have much idea of ​​30 minutes, but in the strong desire for cake, these 30 minutes seem to be as long as a century: "It's so long! Then... will Baba buy it for Yuanyuan?"

"You have to remember what I'm going to say next," Yu Jinxiao turned around from the front seat, looking seriously at those confused little eyes, "If you remember, I'll buy you a cake."

"Okay!" Xiao Tangyuan replied in seconds.

"You looked at the cake for so long just now, how did the cake respond to you?"

A question mark popped up in Yu Yuanyuan's little head: "Cake? The cake has been pinching there, didn't care about Yuanyuan."

"Well, when those children look at you, you can also try to learn how to make cakes, and ignore those who look at it."

The small body suddenly stopped moving, and Yu Jinxiao could see that the brain was trying to digest his words.

In order to facilitate the understanding of the three-year-old child, Yu Jinxiao has tried his best to use the things that Yu Yuanyuan is interested in, and also used a way that is easier to empathize with. It should probably be possible... useful?
(End of this chapter)

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