Chapter 1551

"Yuanyuan has been sleeping for a long time before departure~ You don't need to sleep for a while!" Yu Zaizai didn't feel other people's discomfort at all, so he spoke with a smile.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand, Zhan Ming doesn't want to waste time fussing too much with a child.

He just felt that the crew had already arranged the best room. In his opinion, such conditions were not difficult for filming.

But Yu Jinxiao still sued such a big fight for Yu Yuanyuan, this only shows one problem——

Yu Yuanyuan must be a delicate child.

Zhan Ming himself is unmarried and has no brothers or sisters, and he hates working with children the most. If it wasn't for Yu Cangnan's face this time, and because he doesn't have many scenes with children, he would not agree to take this movie.

The role of the crew has been played a lot, subverting his previous image, Zhan Ming also wants to challenge himself.

In order to film, he has been in various difficult situations, and the current production team can even be regarded as good treatment.

Yu Yuanyuan lay on He Chen's shoulder, skillfully reading that there was a trace of displeasure in the air.

That "bad mood" seemed to come from that distant figure.

"That... is it Susu or brother?" Xiao Zaizai scratched his head in doubt.

Zhan Ming doesn't seem to be much older than Ba ​​Ba, and he is also quite handsome. In Yu Yuanyuan's heart, anyone who is good-looking and looks young can automatically be lowered by a generation in his heart.

"Maybe it should be called Uncle." He Chen was also conflicted, "It's better to be called 'brother', no one wants to be called big."

"Why duck?"

"Nobody wants to grow old."

He Chen could see that Zhan Ming was a little unfriendly towards Yu Yuanyuan, and this unfriendliness probably all came from the appearance of this RV.

Mr. Yu understands how he loves his daughter, who wouldn't want to spoil Yuanyuan?
It's just that Mr. Yu has always been in a position that others can't reach, and he is used to not caring about the thoughts of insignificant people.

However, the appearance of this RV can easily make people misunderstand that Yuanyuan is "playing big".

He Chen has been in so many film crews, and has also been to filming places where the environment is not so good once or twice. Those actors who are extremely famous and popular rarely use such a big battle in public to facilitate themselves.

This is Yu Yuanyuan's first official filming, no wonder she gave Zhan Ming a bad first impression.

I heard that he made a movie about being trapped in the wilderness. Those scenes of eating insects and eating grass are all real food, not a borrowing, not a substitute.

For this alone, He Chen was so impressed.

If it were him, he would definitely not be able to pass the psychological test.

There are no difficult action scenes, so far he has never used a stand-in, as long as he can do it, he must do it himself, and if he can't, he will learn to do it himself in advance.

When he heard that Zhan Ming was participating in the film crew, He Chen was afraid and looked forward to it.

He wanted to learn acting skills from Zhan Ming, but he was also afraid that Zhan Ming would think he was a noob and despise him.

But now...

He Chen had the illusion that Yuanyuan had attracted all of Zhan Ming's firepower.

"He Chen, Yuanyuan, what are you two doing standing there?" Yu Cangnan turned to them with his hands behind his back, smiling, "Yuanyuan, do you want to visit the crew?"

"Director Yu, don't you have a scene to shoot today?" He Chen shook the little boy, "I'll show Yuanyuan around, so it won't affect the progress."

"That's fine too. If you have anything to do with Yuanyuan, remember to come to the second uncle!" Yu Cangnan imitated the tone of a child, and raised his hand to pinch that little face.

Withdrawing his hand, He Chen saw two more finger prints on Yu Yuanyuan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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