The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1554 One of the members who knew the secret

Chapter 1554 One of the members who knew the secret

He Chen was at a loss for words at the moment, and didn't know what to say.

The whole world knows that Yu Yuanyuan was adopted.

Is it...

Mr. Yu treated her so well that Yuanyuan had the illusion that she was her own child?
In fact, it doesn't matter whether it's adopted or biological, He Chen thinks it doesn't make any difference, anyway, Mr. Yu treats Yuanyuan equally well!
"Brother delicious, really! Yuanyuan is Baba and Mama's biological cub!" Seeing that He Chen stopped talking, Yu Yuanyuan read suspicion from those eyes.

The kid who didn't like his words the most was questioned, so anxious that Xiao Zai Zai repeatedly emphasized.

"Mom? Which mother?"

"The Crane Top is Red!"

He Chen: "..."

If He Chen was not familiar with the personnel structure of their family, He Chen would definitely be confused.

Miss Tong? ?
Sister Tong is his biological mother?

"Yuanyuan, in fact, Mr. Yu is also very good to you, there is no difference between biological and adopted." He Chen didn't want to deceive and comfort Xiao Zai Zai, in his heart, he regarded Yuan Yuan as a good friend.

Even if she is only three years old, it will only be good for her to face the facts earlier.

"Brother delicious, don't you believe in Yuanyuan?" Yu Zaizai became anxious when he heard that, "Yuanyuan and Baba Mama both made that spire! The purple spire!"

What is Qingzi Spire?
He Chen followed the homonym and thought carefully——

Could it be a paternity test? ?

"Really?" He Chen hurriedly hid in a corner with Yu Zaizai in his arms, and the two whispered, "Yuanyuan, do you know about paternity tests?"

"I know~" Xiao Zaizai nodded triumphantly, "The result should be sent by Yuanyuan to see~ Ninety-nine point many nines!"

He Chen only felt a rumble in his head, as if he heard something terrible.

Yu Yuanyuan is only 3 years old, how did she know about the paternity test and those values? !
Even if you learned it from watching TV dramas, you wouldn't be so good at making up your mind, right?
"This matter... who else knows?" He Chen couldn't believe it, "Why didn't Mr. Yu announce it publicly?"

"Ba Ba said that I have discussed it with Xie Susu, and I have to listen to their arrangements~" Xiao Zai Zai tilted his head, "Only Baba Mama, brothers, grandpa, uncle and uncle..."

Listening to Yu Yuanyuan counting "insiders" one by one, He Chen felt his blood boil.

Unexpectedly, he also became one of the people who knew the secret!
Even Shen Ji didn't know it!

In this way, he can be regarded as Yuanyuan's most special good friend.

"Yes, there is also Brother Shen Ji~~~"

He Chen hadn't finished being happy when he heard Yu Yuanyuan count Shen Ji out loud.

How could Yu Yuanyuan not tell Shen Ji about such a great thing?
Her small mouth has no secrets to Shen Ji.

He Chen, who was happy for less than three seconds, completely collapsed his smile: "Then Mr. Yu doesn't want to be known for the time being?"

In fact, Yu Jinxiao didn't intend to keep this secret, but he and Xie Xin agreed to announce it in a special way.

The time is not up yet, we still need to wait.

Before that, it is not necessary to keep this secret, but he will not mention it in public for the time being.

"Yuanyuan doesn't babble~" Xiao Zai Zai scratched his head.

Baba doesn't seem to have said anything about it!
He Chen hesitated for a while, and decided to pretend that he didn't know this secret, and wait until Mr. Yu officially announced it.

It's just this sudden news that made He Chen's little heart thump.

Until he returned to the set, his emotions had not calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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