The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1556 1 Everything Is For This Little Potato

Chapter 1556 Everything Is For This Little Potato
While explaining to Yu Yuanyuan, He Chen was also quietly watching the shooting in the distance.

As expected of Zhan Ming, his acting skills are even better, and he brought Yin Hui into the plot, and it was difficult to get out after a long time.

After Yu Cangnan yelled "cut", Yin Hui was still crying bitterly with her head in her arms, falling into the grief of "the child is about to leave her".

Zhan Ming was also calm in his emotions, with a dark face, no one dared to go up to talk to him, not even to hand him water.

"Zhan Ming, very good! Very very good!" Yu Cangnan smiled and clapped his hands, "Huihui, you are also very good! You are all great!"

The timely encouragement broke the low pressure on the set.

Everyone knows Yu Cangnan's style.

If it's not something serious, he won't get angry easily, and he mainly praises and encourages the actors and staff.

Privately known by many as the director with the best temper.

It's just that this "director with the best temper" has a frightening younger brother - Yu Jinxiao.

Many people are discussing the contrast between the two brothers in private, is it really their own? ?

Zhan Ming nodded, he also wanted to sell Yu Cangnan's face.

But as soon as Shun raised his head, Zhan Ming saw He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan behind the staff, and his expression changed involuntarily.

Xiao Zaizai was still immersed in the "terrible" of the quarrel just now, his little eyes timidly gnawed at his fingers, and "fear" was written all over his body.

Can such a little Douding really play such an important role well?
Zhan Ming heard that it was because the parents of the little girl who was originally scheduled to come to the desert to shoot did not agree to change Yu Yuanyuan, because Yu Cangnan felt that Yuanyuan was very suitable for this role, and she was also close to He Chen, that kind of "brother and sister" The atmosphere doesn't even take time to cultivate.

And in order to match Yu Yuanyuan's age, Yu Cangnan also revised the age of "daughter" in the original script.

It's all about this little potato.

However, Zhan Ming didn't understand that if the previous parent pushed back the original role because he couldn't bear the child's suffering.

How could Yu Jinxiao agree to send his daughter here?

Even if there is an RV, the climate here is not suitable for a three-year-old to stay for a long time.

After much deliberation, Zhan Ming believed in another statement circulated by the crew——

It was Yu Jinxiao who wanted his daughter to enter the entertainment industry, and used his relationship with Yu Cangnan to squeeze out the original young actor, so that Yu Yuanyuan, who had no acting experience at all, replaced such an important role.

Thinking of this, Zhan Ming saw that Yu Yuanyuan's expression became even uglier.

Others are afraid of power, but he won't, although he won't be naive enough to fight against these powers, but he will definitely not show any kindness to this kind of behavior.

It is because of the existence of these insiders that the movies in the past few years have been half-dead!
Those who don't have acting skills are stuffed, and those who can't endure hardship are also stuffed!

In the end, the script was good, but the filming was not much different from shit.

Everyone was praising that Susu for his good performance, and Yu Zaizai also hesitantly raised his paw and patted it.

But, why did that Susu look at her so frighteningly! !
"Brother Haoyi, that Susu...why is he always so vicious," Yu Zaizai lay on He Chen's shoulder, turning his head away in fright, "Did Yuanyuan make him angry?"

"Of course not, it's..." He Chen knew the reason, but he couldn't say it directly, "It's because the weather is too hot, that's why he looks like this. Look, Yuanyuan, the weather is very hot, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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