The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1559 He looks like a sinner

Chapter 1559 He looks like a sinner

In fact, Zhan Ming didn't want to say these heavy words, after all, he was just a child.

However, he was used to speaking out about everything that he couldn't see, so he forgot that the person next to him was a little potato.

Yu Yuanyuan was also stunned, her small body was sitting there, as if she had pressed the pause button.

After a while, she seemed to have finally regained her senses, sobbed a few times in grievance, and suddenly reached out to grab the rice balls on the ground.

"You... what are you doing?" Zhan Ming stopped his chopsticks, feeling a very bad premonition.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan picked up the rice ball from the ground, patted it, and was about to put it in his mouth.

"Yuanyuan!" Both He Chen and Xiao Ran cried out in fright.

The food that falls on the ground is so dirty, no matter how economical it is, it is not so economical!

Zhan Ming had quick hands and quick eyes, and grabbed the little meaty hand: "Don't eat it!"

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan turned her head suspiciously, "But if you don't eat it, then... there's nothing wrong with it."

This was her last bite of rice, and Yu Yuanyuan originally wanted to take it easy and enjoy it.

But I didn't expect that it was her slow movement that caused the rice ball to roll to the ground.

"It's all on the floor, it's not clean." Zhan Ming grabbed her rice ball forcefully and threw it directly into the trash can.

As a result, his own hands were also stained with rice grains.

Zhan Ming picked off the rice grains on his palm in disgust, and looked at the pitiful little body sitting there.

The unhappiness all over his body seemed to cool down his heart in an instant.

Could it be because of his words that Yu Yuanyuan wanted to pick up the rice that fell on the floor and eat it? ?

If so, he would look like a sinner.

Seeing that He Chen and Xiao Ran had surrounded her to comfort her, Zhan Ming packed up his lunch box and went to the rest area without looking back.

"Yuanyuan, you can't eat food that falls on the ground, it's unhygienic and it will ruin your stomach!" Xiao Ran patted that little head and reminded softly, "This place is far from the city, if you get sick, go to The hospital will take a long, long time, and the body will suffer for a long, long time."


"But what?"

He Chen could see some answer from those small eyes: "Yuanyuan, do you want to eat more?"

"Yeah~" Xiao Zai Zai rubbed the corner of his clothes in embarrassment.

Now it's no better than at home, Yu Yuanyuan is embarrassed to ask for too much food.

Seeing that the environment here is very difficult, especially, she thought that everyone's meals are fixed, and they can't eat anymore.

The moment I saw the rice ball rolling to the ground, my sad little heart was about to be torn apart.

"You still want to eat and tell my sister, she will find you something to eat right away, wait for me." After speaking, Xiao Ran hurried out and returned with a bowl of food in less than 10 minutes.

The enticing fragrance emanating from inside made Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widen.

He looked pitiful a second ago, but suddenly he seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, my sister asked someone to cook some small wontons for you, just eat them." Xiao Ran carefully placed them in front of her, repeatedly reminding her to be careful of burning them.

"Thank you sister!!"

When Yu Yuanyuan saw the food, he babbled and dazzled, and even drank the soup after eating.

Xiao Ran, who had witnessed all this, felt uncertain, and nudged He Chen with his elbow: "Is this okay? Yuanyuan eats so much, what if she eats up her stomach..."

The first one will blame her!
Xiao Ran originally thought that Yuanyuan eats as much as she eats, but she didn't force her to finish eating.

The kid's stomach is just that big.

Who knew that Yuanyuan could not only finish eating, but also drink the soup cleanly.

She was terrified of such a large amount of food.

(End of this chapter)

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