Chapter 1561 Snacks

Zhan Ming had a bad feeling, but as an actor, how could he not listen to the director.

Yu Cangnan is easy to talk, but it is not the reason for him to deny it casually.

"What task?" Zhan Ming frowned, praying secretly in his heart.

I hope it won't be some kind of messy tacit understanding test, he doesn't want to do that kind of boring thing.

"You and Yuanyuan find a quiet place next to each other, exchange each other's preferences and some small information, and I will test you later," Yu Cangnan folded his arms and smiled maliciously, "If you can't answer five questions in a row, Then Zhan Ming, you have to hold back your role today."

Zhan Ming has always regarded filming as the most important thing.

But now, there is actually one thing pressing on the "filming"!

The invisible pressure seemed to pour down from a high place, wrapping his body, making it difficult for him to move.

"Okay!" The little potato next to him was very happy, raised his fleshy paw and took his hand, "Zhan Susu ~ let's go to the cattle~"

What kind of bull is Jiaoniu!

How can a little potato who can't even speak clearly communicate?

Zhan Ming, one head and two big, was dragged away by Yu Yuanyuan amidst Yu Cangnan's smile.

They came to the rest area. After nightfall, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and Xiao Ran had already changed Yuanyuan's coat.

Zhan Ming sat down on the bench, completely speechless.

How to communicate with children?Where to start?

He doesn't have much experience in getting along with children, and now he wants to exchange information with children, and he really doesn't know where to start.

Just when Zhan Ming was struggling, Little Tudou beside him suddenly spoke——

"Zhan Susu~~Yuanyuan's name is Yu Yuanyuan, and now she seems to be...three and a half years old~" Without Zhan Ming speaking in person, Yu Yuanyuan has already introduced herself, "Yuanyuan is in kindergarten , It’s Class [-]~ My favorite food... Ah Duck, I like to eat everything, strawberry cake, delicious bread, crunchy biscuits... Sigh, the fish made by Aunt Chen is also delicious."

In an introduction, half of it is talking about food.

Even without asking, Zhan Ming knew she was a snack.

"Then what are you good at?"

"Emm..." Yu Yuanyuan thought for at least a minute and didn't speak, as if she was in a dilemma.

Zhan Ming folded his arms and frowned slightly: "Such as sports you are good at? Or hobbies... none of them?"

No way!
Other little friends are more or less good at it. Is this little potato so stupid?
"Yuanyuan can't run fast, she doesn't exercise very well, but Yuanyuan can draw! But Yuanyuan can't write her name..." Yu Zaizai's emotions are like a wavy line, swinging to a high place for a while, and then Will fall to the bottom, "Yuanyuan can do arithmetic! But Yuanyuan is not good at reciting poems..."

Just like this up and down for a while, Zhan Ming knows a little bit about the little potato.

Listening to her talk, this little potato is so funny, it seems that he is not as difficult to get along with as he imagined.

Seeing the RV coming during the day, Zhan Ming preconceived that this is a spoiled little friend, he must have a bad temper, and he might be picky.

Especially since she is Yu Jinxiao's daughter.

Even if they were adopted, they would have somewhat similar personalities, right?
However, so far, Zhan Ming has not seen a trace of Yu Jinxiao from Yu Yuanyuan.

If anything the same...

Probably their surname is Yu.

"Zhansusu~ What do you like to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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