The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1573 What a Strange Pie

Chapter 1573 What a Strange Pie
The scene of He Chen entering the door was repeated several times, during which Zhan Ming stopped to communicate with him on how to behave.

Poor Yu Yuanyuan's short legs climbed up and down the door frame several times, but she didn't come out in a hurry.

Hey duck, I'm almost exhausted!

However, Brother Haoyi and everyone are very serious, and she also wants to be a serious cub!
"Ka, He Chen, find out how you feel." Yu Cangnan stopped once again.

Just one shot, more than two hours soon disappeared.

The sun gradually rose, shining on several people outdoors, almost scalding the skin sorely.

"Sorry, Brother Ming, Sister Hui, I'm looking for status." He Chen sat down on the ground next to him, no longer the idol who cared so much about his image before.

"It's okay, you can try to brew it like this..." As soon as he found an opportunity, Zhan Ming began to talk to He Chen.

How to perform tiredly, but not lose the gestures of a young man in the city.

Zhan Ming deserves to be a godsend, his acting talent is almost abnormal, and his ability to observe and capture the daily life is extremely strong.

There is also a way of acting that Zhan Ming will not teach others easily. Only those who have worked with him in the play have the opportunity to learn 01:30 points.

Yu Cangnan didn't urge him, but gave He Chen enough time to find his form, and didn't interrupt Zhan Ming's initiative to teach.

It's just that Yu Zaizai has been waiting in the room for a long time, it's really boring!

"Little friend, do you want to eat cake?" The villager who came to play tricks saw a little actor hiding there, and kindly talked to her.

eat? !

Eat! Eat!
Before answering, those big eyes were already filled with answers.

The villagers broke off a piece of cake they had brought, and shared a piece as big as Yu Yuanyuan's palm.

It's a bit hard to the touch, I don't know what it tastes like?

"Thank you Susu~" Xiao Zai Zai held the cake, so happy that little stars appeared in his eyes.

Ouch, this kid is so cute!

The villagers were so cute that they said, "If you still want to eat, just tell uncle!"


"Get ready to start shooting!" With Yu Cangnan's reminder, Yu Yuanyuan quickly put the pancakes in her pocket.

The biscuits seem clean to the touch, so they shouldn't stain your clothes.

When she had just put the cake away, Yu Cangnan called "action"!
But after shooting twice, the actor's position needed to be adjusted, and he called "cut" again.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Yu Yuanyuan huddled by the door, grabbed a small piece of pancake and put it in her mouth.

Chew Chew Chew...

Why does it smell like wood!
Neither sweet nor spicy, just a touch of sweetness.

What a weird pie!

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't wait to tear off another piece to taste, Yu Cangnan shouted again.

The small figure walked back and forth repeatedly, as if it had no sense of existence.

Every time he called to stop, Yu Cangnan would only say "Yuanyuan is good, keep it up", and there was no other explanation.

As time passed, that little Douding's tense emotions also began to gradually relax.

How about... let's eat a cake quietly, no one should find out, right?

Probably because he was too reassured by Yu Yuanyuan's previous performance, Yu Cangnan put all his thoughts on He Chen.

This round, He Chen's performance is much better. If this clip is released to those who usually criticize his acting skills, they will definitely be shocked.

But looking at it, Yu Cangnan felt something was wrong.

Why is Yuanyuan eating?The original plot did not arrange for her to eat at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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