The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1578 Ten Thousand Regrets

Chapter 1578 One Hundred Thousand Regrets

Zhan Ming fiercely emphasized: "This is not the meat on my body, I mean, this piece of meat should be eaten by me!"

The little cub who was whining and whining stopped suddenly, and his face changed in an instant.

"Ah, Jiangzi," the small mouth closed again, and chewing resumed, "Yuanyuan gave Susu her favorite bitter melon!"

Zhan Ming: "..." He hasn't agreed to make this deal yet!
Even if he didn't say anything, Zhan Ming's face was clearly written with the message "no bitter melon".

Xiao Zai Zai is a mature master of air reading, he didn't force Zhan Ming, and scooped up the bitter gourd on the lid of the lunch box bit by bit, ready to go.

Zhan Ming: "??" Wait.

After eating a piece of his meat, he left again!Isn't this a loss-making business!
Just when he was about to ask Yu Yuanyuan to keep the bitter gourd so that he could pay back his money, the wobbly little figure stopped suddenly before taking two steps.

A large lump of bitter melon fell on the ground in front of her, looking like she wanted to suffer without tears.

Thinking of Yu Zaizai's experience of picking up food on the ground twice in a row, Xiao Ran strode forward, quickly picked up the bitter melon with toilet paper and threw it away: "Yuanyuan, you can't eat it if you drop it on the ground."

Zhan Ming: "..." She didn't intend to eat it, and she didn't know if she threw it on purpose.

After lunch, Zhan Ming found a rest chair to lie down and take a nap.

He just lay down when Yin Hui led Yu Yuanyuan over.

Don't come, don't come, can't see, can't see, can't see!
"Yuanyuan, come, let's sleep here." Yin Hui chose the recliner next to Zhan Ming.

She didn't sleep by herself, but for Yu Yuanyuan.

"Thank you sister~" Xiao Zai Zai's mouth was sweet and crisp, and Yin Hui was so happy when he shouted.

One must know that Zhan Ming is called "uncle" by him, she is about the same age as Zhan Ming, and being treated like a "sister" really puts Yin Hui in a good mood.

After Yu Zaizai was settled, Yin Hui also lay down on the recliner next door, taking advantage of the time to catch up on sleep.

Zhan Ming was worried throughout the noon, thinking that Yu Yuanyuan would make some noise, so he didn't fall asleep much, and his nerves were always in a tense state.

But Yu Yuanyuan sleeps surprisingly peacefully, even if she kicks and kicks occasionally, her little claws will swing around.

Just that length is not enough to hit others.

When the precious rest time is over, Zhan Ming has a hundred thousand regrets.

The good rest time was all used by him to guard against Yu Yuanyuan!
The shooting in the afternoon was the hottest time. When Yu Zaizai was woken up, he was dizzy and couldn't find his way.

The sweat on his face washed away all the makeup he had put on, turning into white lines on his skin.

Children's skin is delicate, and they use natural and harmless cosmetics, but the effect is not so face-lifting.

It tends to fall off when you sweat, so you have to stop and touch up your makeup.

"Sister Xiao Ran, Yuanyuan has turned into a flower!" Xiao Zai Zai obediently sat on the chair, making the makeup artist twitch.

Xiao Ran held up his mobile phone to take pictures beside him, and sighed while taking pictures: "Oh, Yuanyuan is so cute~Hua Yuanyuan~"

"Yuanyuan look here, I want to take a picture too~" Yin Hui also held up her phone, reluctant to let it go.

"Quack quack ~" Yu Zaizai laughed out loud at the compliment.

Zhan Ming looked at the two women beside him in disbelief, as for?One troublesome potato, one or two that are cute.

"Yuanyuan! Look here! Let's take a group photo." He Chen emerged from Yu Yuanyuan's side, raising his long arms ready to take a selfie.

It turns out that it has nothing to do with gender, each of not normal!

(End of this chapter)

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