The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1580 Hey, come here

Chapter 1580 Hey, come here

"It's okay, it's okay, let's continue!" Yu Cangnan deliberately stepped forward and patted that little head to comfort him.

He noticed that when Yu Jinxiao and Yu Mingxi were talking to Yuanyuan, they would pat her on the head from time to time, which seemed to be a comforting gesture for Yu Yuanyuan.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded, and another person quietly brainwashed himself.

Zhan Ming suddenly worried that her self-hypnotic brainwashing method would make new mistakes.

But this is only the first time, and it's not a big problem if he makes a mistake. Occasionally, he has to shoot three or five times, let alone a three-year-old little potato.

It's just that he doesn't know why, but he always feels a bad feeling about this little potato.

"Ready, action!"

A group of people entered the play again and started filming, and finally came to Yu Yuanyuan's first line part.

This time, Xiao Zai Zai was obviously not as relaxed as last time, and even a little nervous could be seen from his eyes.

At this time, Zhan Ming was looking at her, with fear of making mistakes in his big eyes.

"Tell brother what your name is."

As soon as Yin Hui's words sounded, the alarm bell sounded in Yu Yuanyuan's brain, and she stammered and replied, "My name is...Zhong Tingting!"

The lines are correct, and the stuttering tone is fine now.


Yu Yuanyuan's expression didn't match the current situation.

Yu Cangnan didn't call out, and Zhan Ming wouldn't interrupt the filming to give his opinion now, all thoughts should be put out of the camera.

Very good, the name test has been successfully passed.

"Tingting, did you tell my brother how old you are?" In the camera, Zhong Hao (Zhan Ming) saw Li Hongran's (Yin Hui) purpose, frowned and tried to stop him, but he couldn't persuade his wife.

Every word of Li Hongran reminds Yuan Siyi (He Chen)——

You didn't want this child back then, but now you want to take her back. Listen, her surname is Zhong, and she is already four years old here!

Hearing Yin Hui's question, Yu Zaizai tried hard to recall the answer, and stammered the answer: "It was... ten years old!"

Xiao Zai Zai, who suddenly forgot the answer, tied his tongue and made himself older.


Yu Cangnan emphasized in a soft tone as much as possible: "It's four, not ten. Yuanyuan just said it wrong."

" Buji." Xiao Zai Zai quickly apologized, his small body looked very pitiful.

He Chen patted her head to comfort her: "Yuanyuan, don't be nervous."

"Okay... okay."

Even the off-screen words are tongue-tied!

In the next three shoots, either He Chen said the wrong lines, or Yin Hui suddenly said the wrong lines, and got stuck three times in a row.

Yu Zaizai's eyes became more nervous, and every time he would ask if it was because of himself that he got stuck.

He Chen's own lines are very long, so he has to practice as soon as he has time, and Yin Hui is the same.

Everyone is used to the way of shooting in the past, completely forgetting that there is still a confused little boy who can't take care of it.

Zhan Ming always recited his lines as if he was just playing.

As soon as the card is called, he only needs to stabilize his state and seize the time to close his eyes and rest.

But today, when Zhan Ming closed his eyes and wanted to rest, what appeared in his mind was that little trembling figure.

Even if her father is Yu Jinxiao, at this moment, helplessness is written all over her little face.

Those helplessness and confusion come from the worries of not wanting to hurt others.

"Hey, come here." Zhan Ming opened his eyes and looked at Little Tudou standing beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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