The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1602 Throwing a ball of air

Chapter 1602 Throwing a cloud of air

"Yuanyuan, most of the scenes today are us," He Chen Suoguang took the last sip of noodles, even the light soup base, "I hope our cooperation will go well."

Xiao Ran has already gone to fetch food for Yu Zaizai.

Yu Yuanyuan patted her paws happily, "Wow, wow, Yuanyuan is finally going to film with Brother Haoyi!"

"Well, but...forget it." He Chen still wanted to say something, but in the middle of talking, he decided not to tell Yuanyuan.

Wait a minute for the scene they're going to's not a very harmonious scene.

Zhong Tingting (Yu Yuanyuan) knew that Yuan Siyi (He Chen) was going to take her away, and her father refused to change his mind, so her child's naive idea made her think that if Yuan Siyi (He Chen) was angry, she would be No need to leave mom and dad.

The naive little friend started playing various tricks on He Chen.

This setting is a challenge for Yuanyuan, and He Chen is well aware of this.

For such an obedient little friend like Yuanyuan, no matter what, she would never think of using such a method to force people to leave.

It might not be so easy for her to act in such a naughty and troublesome manner.

In a crying scene, you can use the emotion of "missing Dad" to cry, but what about acting naughty?Who can draw inspiration for acting from?
For such an obedient little friend as Yuanyuan, the friends around her must be as kind and lovely as her.

After dinner, Yu Cangnan called Xiao Zai Zai over to give a play.

The next scene to be filmed is that she went outside to grab a handful of yellow sand and deliberately threw it on the bed where He Shen was sleeping. Yu Cangnan emphasized that she threw it on his face.

After listening to what will be performed later, Yu Yuanyuan turned her puzzled little head: "Why do you want to be a duck? You can't be a good boy! Yuanyuan is a good boy!"

"Yuanyuan, this is what the characters in the play have to do," Yu Cangnan tried hard to lower Yu Zaizai's sense of morality, "You are acting, even if you do that, Yuanyuan is still a good boy, it doesn't matter."

"Yes... yes." Xiao Zai Zai's face was full of doubts.

It seems that he is afraid that his reputation as a good baby will be ruined.

"Yuanyuan, acting is to be as realistic and touching as possible." He Chen also joined in to do ideological work for Xiao Zai Zai, "Only in this way can the effect of the movie be better!"

There is no Zhan Ming's play this morning, he is catching up on sleep, without a "mentor", Yu Zaizai is a little nervous, afraid that he will not be able to perform well.

After filming the night scene last night, Yu Cangnan specifically told Zhan Ming to let him sleep until lunch, take a good rest, and no one is allowed to disturb him.

"Jiang Zi, okay~~~" Xiao Zai Zai nodded reluctantly.

Today's first scene has no lines, it is Yu Yuanyuan walking in from the door, holding a handful of yellow sand and throwing it on the face of He Chen who is sleeping on the bed.

Then Zhong Tingting let out a quacking laugh, and ran out of the house.

He Chen has already laid down according to the script, with a quilt covering his body. Even though the temperature is already high now, he is playing a role when the sky is still a bit dark, and the temperature is not really high. There should even be a hint of coolness in the air.


Following Yu Cangnan's command, Yu Yuanyuan had already squeezed the rustle with her fleshy claws, and walked towards the house in a jerk.

Before taking two steps, Yu Cangnan called her to stop: "Yuanyuan, don't walk so aboveboard, be more sneaky."

Xiao Zai Zai nodded, retreated to the starting position, and walked into the house acting like a cat.

Slowly coming to the bed, she raised her fleshy claw "Hey" and threw sand!
But she did the throwing action, and everyone... including the camera, didn't see any sand.

What about sand?Throw a cloud of air?
(End of this chapter)

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