The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1616 Listened to it several times

Chapter 1616 I have listened to it dozens of times

Since filming for so long, He Chen has been working hard to do his best.

Even if it was just his best, he never stopped.

Caught off guard by Zhan Ming's praise, He Chen almost jumped out of bed: "Brother Ming, is what you said true?"

You must know that in the industry, Zhan Ming hardly knows how to praise people. His mouth is like a thousand words of gold, and it is as difficult to say a word of praise as to spend real money.

"I don't have the time to tell lies to coax you." After leaving the sentence, Zhan Ming went to his recliner to get water to drink.

Only the timid little Zaizai, He Chen, and the makeup artist were left in the room.

"Yuanyuan!" He Chen picked up Xiao Zaizai and patted her on the head, "We are actors, and we are different on and off the screen! I was angry on the screen, but what happened to me off the screen? Maybe Yuanyuan is angry?"

"Really not?"

"of course not!"

"That's great!" Yu Zaizai meowed, dangling his little claws around He Chen's neck.

While it was still early, Yu Cangnan told Yu Yuanyuan to call his troublesome brother to report his safety.

The man who hadn't heard his daughter's voice for almost 24 hours was fidgeting in the hotel.

Even if the beautiful scenery of the desert city is outside the window, he is not in the mood to appreciate it for a second.

The moment the phone rang, Yu Jinxiao's heart was hanging like his own, and he slowly sat back on the sofa.


"Crooked, pull it~~" The little boy on the other end of the phone sounded very excited, "It's Yuanyuan~~"

No need to stress it out!Who doesn't know it's you!
"I know," Yu Jinxiao didn't know how to continue after being told by the little voice, "Still filming?"


Hmph, this little voice sounds very happy, not tired or regretful at all.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly began to reflect on himself, did he underestimate Yu Yuanyuan so much that he thought she would give up soon after joining the film crew?

However, Xiao Tangyuan seems to be going smoothly and fulfilling every day, but his heart is always worried about this and that.

"So how was the filming today?"

"Very good!"

Hey, he can still praise himself.

"Yuanyuan accidentally fell asleep while filming in the afternoon."

Yu Jinxiao's phone slid in the palm of his hand, is this pretty good?

But even if there is any problem, it is the second brother's own choice, and he will not care about it.

"Then what time will the filming be tonight?"

"It should be soon~" Yu Yuanyuan thought for a while, then said, "Second Uncle said to try to finish the filming today!"

and many more.

What does it mean to work hard to finish filming today?
It's only around 0 o'clock now, does it mean that the photo will be taken until [-] o'clock? ? ?
Which three-year-old kid doesn't go to bed until 0 o'clock!

Look at Yu Yuanyuan's short legs and short hands, if she doesn't sleep well, will she never grow taller in the future, it's such a small lump!
How amazing!

"Baba, Second Uncle is calling Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan is going to be busy ~ Beibei~" Xiao Tangyuan hung up the phone and called quickly, and after hanging up, she sent messages to Yu Mingxi, Yu Yingze, and Shen Ji while walking.

Time was too tight, she didn't have time to make phone calls to report her safety, and sent everyone a sentence "Yuanyuan is safe~~" next to each other.

This little cub will never know, Shen Ji listened to the short few seconds of waiting for almost 24 hours dozens of times.

Yu Yuanyuan lives in a desert environment, and can only contact her at night every day, which makes Shen Ji worry all the time.

I didn't expect that I didn't even make a phone call today.

Filming...are you really this busy?
(End of this chapter)

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