The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1626 Your accent

Chapter 1626 Your Accent
"Jin Xiao, it will be over soon, just these few shots." Yu Cangnan explained with a smile, the peripheral vision in the corner of his eye has not forgotten to look at the situation on the surveillance camera.

However, Zhan Ming and Yin Hui are the types who rarely make mistakes. As long as Yu Yuanyuan plays steadily, the filming will be over soon.

"Then Baba, Tingting will listen to you," said, and the little cub on the screen was crying and sobbing, "Tingting will study hard, make a lot of money, and cover Baba Mama well when she comes back Big house, let Ba Ba Ma Ma eat to his full!"

Zhan Ming's face was full of tears in the camera, and he patted that little head with his palm, interpreting a father's touch and restraint to the extreme.

Even though what Yu Yuanyuan said just now was a line, Yu Jinxiao was actually moved by what this little glutinous rice ball said.

In the past life, Xiao Tangyuan said countless things that moved Yu Jinxiao. He used to not care about it, but this small body has always insisted on and fulfilled his promise.

Thinking of the glowing little ball that he saw in the water, Yu Jinxiao thought of the words "to protect him" that this little cub was talking about for no reason.

Looking at it from another person's point of view, they must think that this is just a child's unfounded joke.

But Yu Jinxiao knew that she did it!
I did it with that chubby, soft-looking little body!

"Okay, today's filming is over, let's all rest!" Following Yu Cangnan's voice, there was a commotion on the set, and more people walked around.

Yu Yuanyuan ran out of the room, her chubby body was particularly conspicuous among the long legs.

I saw the little ball running out, looking around, and instantly locked on Yu Jinxiao's direction, and hugged his long legs with a meow.

"Baba! The filming of Yuanyuan is over! How is the filming of Yuanyuan?" The raised little head was full of anticipation, eager to hear Baba's praise.

Yu Jinxiao patted her on the head, nodded calmly: "Well, not bad."

His mind was filled with the voice of that little glutinous rice ball telling others to "Pu Ba", and his heart was still sour.

Even if it was acting, Yu Jinxiao was in a bad mood.

"Yuanyuan, go take off your makeup quickly, go to bed and rest early after taking off your makeup," Yu Cangnan patted her, and said like Yu Jinxiao, "Let me just say what I say, Yuanyuan is very suitable for this role, she played very well, right?"

Of course, Yu Jinxiao would not say anything ironic about the noodles of the small glutinous rice balls, he could only use silence instead of affirmation.

Yu Yuanyuan was taken away to remove her make-up, and when she came back, she was a clean little bean again.

During the shooting during the day, she got sweaty from the sand all over her body, Xiao Ran came to bathe Yu Yuanyuan, helped her change her clothes, and then went back to the lounge to sleep.

Yu Jinxiao was sitting on the sofa in the RV, focusing on the mobile phone in his hand.

Before coming to look for Xiao Zai Zai, he had already showered and changed into clean clothes, so there was no need to waste the water in her RV.

The cleanly washed glutinous rice balls immediately rushed over happily, rubbing their little heads against his arms.

"Babababa~~ Did you see Yuanyuan acting tonight?" the excited little boy asked again.

"Well, I see."

"How is Yuanyuan acting?"

"Not bad, very good." Yu Jinxiao's compliments were always a bit lacklustre, even the little one who is easily satisfied with himself felt that there was almost something wrong.

"Baba seems to be boasting too much, so sincerely~"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

Is the demand for boasting children so high now?
"It was pretty good, it's just..."

"Ah?" Yu Zaizai raised his curious head, waiting for Baba's next words.

"Erbo didn't correct your accent?"

(End of this chapter)

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