Chapter 1628 Wake Up
"Yu Yuanyuan, why aren't you asleep?" Yu Jinxiao's voice suddenly sounded out of nowhere, making the little boy under the blanket tremble in fright.

Her wriggling little body suddenly stopped, moving slowly towards the pillow, and finally put her head on it and stopped still.

Pretending to be asleep?

Yu Jinxiao only thought it was funny.

Doesn't she know that she is a ball protruding under the quilt!
He saw her "course of action" clearly, and he wasn't blind!

But Yu Jinxiao didn't expose her, but lay down next to her, ready to read the emails on the phone before going to sleep.

But when there was no movement in the RV, there was another rustling sound from the quilt.

The volume had been reduced to the lowest level, Yu Jinxiao couldn't hear what she was talking through the corridor, and could only be sure that Yu Yuanyuan was talking.

Strange, who is she talking to in the middle of the night?

Could it be talking in sleep?

Could it be that the pressure of filming is too great recently, and I am also filming and reciting lines in my dream?

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao got up quietly, twisted a little bit of the quilt with his fingertips, and let out that little head at a very slow speed.

At that moment, Yu Jinxiao seemed to see a light suddenly go out, and he didn't know if it was his eyesight.

"Yu Yuanyuan?" Yu Jinxiao lowered his voice and called Xiaotangyuan.

Yu Zaizai closed his eyes with guilt, he didn't even have time to say goodnight to brother Shen Ji, so he hung up the phone in a hurry.

The small body curled up into a ball, with its back facing Yu Jinxiao motionless, it was impossible to tell whether it was really sleeping or fake sleeping.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it is impossible for him to shake people up and ask them clearly.

It was cold at night, Yu Jinxiao covered the quilt and went back to his bed.

But his eyes were fixed on the direction of Xiaotangyuan, and his ears were pricked up to hear if she made a sound.

But from then on, it was quiet over there, without any movement.

Is it really too much pressure to talk in sleep at night?

It seems that filming is not as easy as she shows.

That night, with her father by her side, Yu Yuanyuan slept very soundly.

Knowing that Yu Jinxiao was coming, neither He Chen nor Xiao Ran dared to wake Yu Yuanyuan up.


Today the person who woke up Yuanyuan was replaced by Yu Cangnan.

"Yuanyuan, wake up!" Yu Cangnan yelled at the top of his voice before he reached the RV, "Jin Xiao, wake up Yuanyuan!"

Inside the RV.

Yu Jinxiao opened the window and poked his head out: "Got it."

Yu Jinxiao, who is used to getting up early on weekdays, has already dressed neatly and finished washing, but the little glutinous rice balls are still nestled under the quilt.

"Yu Yuanyuan, wake up."

The big hand patted the quilt, and the small body was completely asleep in a big character shape, and it was making noises, as if it was dreaming.

Yu Jinxiao sighed, knowing that this simple method would not be able to wake up a sleepy Xiaoju.

With a big hand digging into the quilt, the little ball was caught, and the body suddenly stood upright in Yu Jinxiao's arms, and the whole cub opened his eyes in a daze.


"Get up, the second uncle told you to film."

"But Yuanyuan is sleepy~~"

"The pastry you put next to your bed last night will expire if you don't eat it, and I'll have to throw it in the trash by then."

"Karma?!" Just for a moment, Yu Yuanyuan's slit-like eyes widened, "Don't throw it, Yuanyuan wants to deceive~~~~"

Good to wake up.

Compared to the gentle awakening methods of He Chen and Xiao Ran, Yu Jinxiao's method was a little rough.

Wash face, brush teeth, change clothes, eat cakes, wait until a box of cakes was saved by Yu Yuanyuan after saving the milk, the small body raised his arms and shouted: "Okay, after eating cakes, it's time to eat buns!"

Yu Jinxiao frowned.

What? !Do you treat the pastry as an appetizer? ?

(End of this chapter)

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