The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1632 One Road Shun Bang

"Come on, Yuanyuan!" He Chen clenched his fists, "No, it should be said that we work together!"

"Come on!" Xiao Zai Zai also raised his clasped hands.

Everyone got ready, Zhan Ming and Yin Hui also finished their makeup.

Yu Jinxiao had to admit that Xiaotangyuan was standing with them now, it really looked like a family.

Zhan Ming portrays himself honestly with his acting skills, and Yin Hui has the shrewdness and dexterous facial features of a smart woman.

Combined in this way, "Zhong Tingting" seems to have just inherited their characteristics, an honest and good-looking little friend.

Yu Cangnan greeted the filming preparations, and everyone took their positions.

Yu Zaizai is also ready to go, it's the first time for Baba to watch her filming, she must perform well!
Holding back this encouragement, Yu Yuanyuan was also more nervous than usual.

But I didn't expect that the more you care about it, the easier it is to make mistakes.

As soon as the filming started, Xiao Zai Zai tripped over the small sand dune under his feet, fell and killed him with a puff.

Yu Jinxiao, who was sitting on the recliner, put down his crossed legs, but seeing that the place where Yu Yuanyuan fell was sand, it shouldn't hurt, but he was just taken aback.

In front of outsiders, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to be too nervous, as this would affect Xiaotangyuan's bravery and independence.

"It's okay!" Xiao Zai Zai raised his round paw, "Second Uncle, let's continue~"

“Yuanyuan is awesome!”

Shooting starts again.

He Chen walked out with his backpack on his back, and there was a pickup truck parked not far away, who would take him out by the way.

People in the village will drive out to deliver goods at a fixed time, and this is also an opportunity for Yuan Siyi (He Chen) to leave.

There is no fixed shuttle bus, remote and difficult traffic, Tingting stays here, and she is destined to live an ordinary life all her life.

Even the world beyond the desert is not necessarily seen a few times.

Zhan Ming put his hands on Yu Yuanyuan's shoulders, and sent He Chen to the car to leave.

Until this moment, his heart was still wavering.

Zhan Ming also performed these subtle emotions to the fullest, even Yu Jinxiao, who was watching the play at the back, could understand the mood of the father in the play.

Maybe staying in this place, being ordinary and having children early is a lifetime.

But such a life, in the eyes of the family who loves her, is not the best life.

Zhong Hao (Zhan Ming) believes that her daughter should see the outside world before making choices about her life.

Instead of cutting off her chances of future choices when she has not yet formed a clear enough concept of everything.

Li Hongran (Yin Hui) understands her husband's good intentions, but she is still not ready to let her daughter leave them.

They had no children, so they brought back this precious daughter. Li Hongran brought her up single-handedly, and all the money the family earned would buy her the best milk powder.

But even so...

She knew that the supplies and living conditions her daughter received were incomparable to what the Yuan family could provide.

"Call me if you have anything to do." Yuan Siyi (He Chen) stopped in front of the car, seemingly saying hello to Zhong Hao and Li Hongran, but his eyes were fixed on the shorter figure.

He Chen deliberately figured out the character's mood last night.

He originally intended to fulfill his mother's last wish, but after getting in touch with his sister, he knew that it would be very hard and difficult to take care of a child.

Yuan Si also retreated, and when Zhong Hao and Yin Hui wavered and repented, he did not fight or persuade.

He knew that he was running away, and this farewell to Tingting might be a permanent farewell.

This glance may be the last.

The guilt and sadness in his heart were tormenting him, making Yuan Siyi want to hide that little face again and again, and remember her appearance well.

"Well, be careful on the road."

"Bon Voyage."

After Zhan Ming and Yin Hui finished their lines, it was Yu Yuanyuan's turn to speak.

She had already put on a reluctant expression, and raised her claws: "Big brother, have a good journey!"

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