The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1634 Yu Yuanyuan, you are amazing!

Chapter 1634 Yu Yuanyuan, you are amazing!
The small body stood motionless, as if being stunned by Yu Jinxiao's oncoming aura.

Comparing that slender body with Yu Yuanyuan's height, there was a terrible sense of oppression.

Even others can't help but feel it is difficult to breathe.

But there are still many people around quietly peeping, and some even raised their mobile phones to secretly take pictures.

Yu Jinxiao's suit pants made his long legs look more slender and beautiful. He looked down at his daughter, who had a messy hair hanging down from the meticulous hairstyle on his forehead.

The wide back gives a sense of security at first glance, but the slender trousers are gathered at the narrow waist. This perfect figure bursts out with a strong hormonal atmosphere.

Compared with the small body in front of him, it was round and timid.

Yu Yuanyuan clasped her arms, trying to avoid looking.

Standing together, two people with completely different styles can collide with completely different sparks to attract the attention of the surroundings.

"What's wrong? I'm a little nervous?" Yu Jinxiao squatted down and looked at the little one.

This squat was even more incredible. The tight trousers outlined the perfect leg shape, especially from the back, not to mention how explosive it was.

But Yu Jinxiao didn't care to get used to what other people were shooting, he just wanted to have a good chat with this little glutinous rice ball.

"A little bit..." Yu Yuanyuan's voice was as low as a mosquito's.



"Is it because I'm watching here, and you want to perform better, so you're nervous?" Yu Jinxiao's words broke Xiao Zai Zai's mood, and Yuan Yuan's eyes widened in shock.

"Why did Ba Ba say that!"

"Heh," Yu Jinxiao's voice was unconsciously smug, and he scratched the tip of his cute little nose, "How could Dad not know what you were thinking?"

"Yuanyuan didn't perform well just now, but she will...will work harder!" Even the voice of cheering herself up was not as confident as before.

"Yu Yuanyuan, haven't you done too many stupid things before?"

"Karma?" Xiao Zai Zai's eyes straightened, why did Ba Ba suddenly say something!
"It was you who chose to film at the beginning, and you came all the way here to join the group under such a high temperature, poor food and housing," Yu Jinxiao rested his elbows on his knees, and did not make physical contact with Xiao Zai Zai, but he But Yu Zaizai's mood gradually changed, "Most of your kindergarten classmates at this age read books at home, sleep when they are full, or find a place to travel and play. They don't paint their faces, wear such The high temperature persisted in acting in a difficult environment over and over again and did not give up."

Yu Yuanyuan was speechless, her eyes were wide open.

"Although everyone's choice should not be judged, but you are only three years old, and you are already doing better than many adults." Yu Jinxiao paused and explained in another way, "You stand here, even if You have not regretted or retreated from being baked at high temperature, you are already very, very good."

The big eyes were filled with tears, and the voice was trembling: "Really?"

"Well, Yu Yuanyuan, you are amazing!"

"Wow," Yu Yuanyuan pounced, and buried his head on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder, "Puba—"

But after crying for less than three seconds, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly bounced away, holding her head up and trying to hold back the tears in her eyes: "You can't cry, your makeup will be wasted~"

It's true that no one will believe it.

His three-year-old daughter can not only dive to save her father, but is also gradually mastering various filming skills...

Could it be that the next step is to learn to save the planet?
(End of this chapter)

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