The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1636 He seems to be very experienced

Chapter 1636 He seems to be very experienced
"Yuanyuan, you're going to pretend to be asleep later, you know? I'll give you a close-up shot with the camera open at this position," Yu Cangnan gestured and explained, "So, it's time to test your acting skills!"

"Wow, Yuanyuan won't disappoint my uncle!" The little voice was very confident.

But after the official shooting started, Yu Cangnan was not very satisfied with the effect of fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety after shooting several times.

Zhan Ming's eyes were filled with "fatherly love" from the show, but Yu Yuanyuan just closed her eyes, but she didn't really feel like she was being coaxed to sleep.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Yu Cangnan called out, stopped and everyone looked at the monitor screen to find out.

After the sky darkened in the desert, the temperature plummeted, and everyone added coats to themselves.

Yu Zaizai huddled under the quilt, just enough to keep her warm.

Everyone else was watching the replay in front of the monitor, and she was wheezing and staring, waiting for orders.

"It seems that something is wrong." Zhan Ming also frowned, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Because your sleeping method and rhythm are unreliable."

Yu Jinxiao's voice suddenly sounded from behind, obviously aimed at Zhan Ming.

"Why?" Zhan Ming was not shocked by the air pressure on Yu Jinxiao's body, his first reaction was to figure out what was wrong with him.

In order to make the performance better and better, he is learning new things for himself anytime and anywhere.

"Your hand is clapping too fast," Yu Jinxiao snorted with a sneer, and stretched out his finger to point to your position on the monitor, "The clapping is not in the right position, and the force is too strong. It doesn't look like you often put your daughter to sleep. father."

The father's on-site guidance made Zhan Ming's cheeks blush slightly, and he realized what his problem was.

"Then what should I do?" Zhan Ming asked humbly, "Can I trouble Mr. Yu to give me some advice."

As if the chatterbox had been opened, Yu Jinxiao eloquently conveyed his experience, which made Zhan Ming's eyes widen and he kept nodding his head in agreement.

The staff in the corner looked at the situation on the other side and chatted quietly.

"Is it true that Yu Jinxiao puts his daughter to sleep himself? He is usually so busy, he probably doesn't have time to take care of the children."

"It can be seen that he seems to be very experienced."

"It should be just talking casually. Zhan Ming has never been a father, so he can do whatever he says. Who dares to refute him?"

Most of the people present did not believe that Yu Jinxiao would bring up children, but Zhan Ming didn't seem to have any doubts about it. He looked at Yu Jinxiao seriously, nodded from time to time, and remembered everything he said in his heart.

Yu Yuanyuan lay under the quilt, watching Ba Ba and Zhan Ming discussing and talking without moving.

She wanted to hear what they were saying, but it was cold outside and her little coat was in Baba's hands.

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Zai Zai still chose to continue wrapping in the quilt and not moving.

After communicating with Yu Jinxiao, Zhan Ming also returned to the bed and took his seat.

"Zhan Susu, what are you and Baba talking about~"

"Nothing, just chat."

"What are you talking about?"

"...Don't ask, the filming is about to start."


Zhan Ming learned a lot from Yu Jinxiao just now——

For example, the purpose of putting to sleep is to let the child fall asleep early, and the most important point is not to wake her up after putting to sleep.

But Zhong Hao, the character of Zhan Ming, sleeps in another room with his wife, which means that after putting his daughter to sleep, he has to get up from the bed.

This behavior can easily wake up the daughter.

When Yu Jinxiao coaxes Yu Yuanyuan to sleep, he always sits on the small bench beside the bed.

Later, when it was determined that Yu Yuanyuan was too sleepy, and basically fell asleep without being woken up, he would occasionally sit by the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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