The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1644 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

Chapter 1644 Envy, Jealousy, Hate

Yi Yuzhang was accused of countless crimes.

He Shuxuan has also been paying attention to his situation.

His injuries have healed in sevens and eighties, but his feet are completely useless, and he will be in a wheelchair from now on.

Moreover, after staying in the water for too long, he hurt his lungs. He would cough desperately after he could not speak a few words, and he was so thin that he lost his shape.

Kidnapping, murder, endangering public safety in downtown...

No matter which crime it is, it is impossible for him to get out of prison in his life.

If possible, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to see Wang Cheng's children reduced to this.

However, he chose this path by himself. He was stubborn, only believed in what he thought was the truth, and indiscriminately found a random support point for his anger—revenge.

If he had come forward openly and admitted that he was Wang Cheng's son, without a series of operations of revenge, Yu Jinxiao would have returned his father's company to him without hesitation.

Because, when he took over, Yu Jinxiao was out of helplessness and didn't want to waste Wang Cheng's hard work.

Unexpectedly, what he followed at that time was not the company, but an indefinite time bomb that completely changed his life.

His daughter was kidnapped and separated for three years, and he was also tortured by the pain in his heart for three years.

Even his wife couldn't forgive the accident caused by him, and the divorce ended.

The momentary kindness brought Yu Jinxiao a catastrophe.

Yu Jinxiao has no sympathy for Yi Yuzhang, only hatred, but if his father hadn't been Wang Cheng, Yi Yuzhang would not be in prison now, but corrupt and stench in a corner that no one knows about.

"Puba~~~" A small milk voice suddenly sounded downstairs, interrupting Yu Jinxiao's thoughts immersed in hatred.

It was as if that little cub knew what he was thinking, and dragged you out of that bad mood just in time.

"What?" Yu Jinxiao asked from the window.

"Hehe, Yuanyuan saw Baba downstairs, hehehe~~" The small body crouched under the streetlight, holding its paws high and waving at him.

It seems that there is nothing wrong, just shouting and playing.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan have recently lived in another residence, which is convenient for them to study after school. They can only come here occasionally, and when they leave at night, they are still reluctant to leave, as if wishing to apply for a night at Yu's house with Yu Jinxiao.

However, what depressed Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan the most was that Shen Ji could actually stay longer than them! !

envy, jealousy, hate!
The people who saw them off at the door in the end were Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji, who were almost mad at Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan.

When they left, Shen Ji didn't have much time left.

He came here today, in fact, to get the teaching content of Yuanyuan's school during this time. When he goes back tonight, he can make arrangements, and he can start tutoring for Yuanyuan tomorrow.

Selfishly wanting to welcome Yuanyuan home, Shen Ji just made such a high-sounding excuse.

It's getting late now, Shen Ji took Yu Jinxiao's printed materials and prepared to go home.

Uncle Lin was already waiting at the gate of the yard.

The little cub who had just sent off the twins bounced around and led Shen Ji's paws to accompany him to the door.

"Brother Shen Ji will also come to play with Yuanyuan tomorrow, isn't it?" Timely formed a long-term habit, but Yu Yuanyuan hasn't seen Shen Ji for a week, she seems to be worried that the previous rules will be broken.

Shen Ji smiled, raised his hand and scraped the tip of his small nose: "Tomorrow I'm not here to play, but to give Yuanyuan tuition. Yuanyuan hasn't gone to kindergarten for a week."


(End of this chapter)

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