The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1656 Yuanyuan's Notes Today

Chapter 1656 Yuanyuan's Notes Today
"Pen...notes are amazing!" Yu Yuanyuan was shocked.

"It's just to write down some things that I worry about forgetting in advance, just to remind myself that it's not all about telling Yuanyuan."

With Shen Ji's words, Xiao Zai Zai's tensed shoulders gradually relaxed.

"It turned out to be Jiangzi~ That Yuanyuan also needs to write notes," said Xiao Zaizai, pulling over a notebook and grabbing a short pen, "Brother Shen Ji worked so hard to prepare pens for Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan Try to remember too!"

Shen Ji didn't go out of his way to correct Xiao Zai Zai's words, but made her remember "pen chicken".

Yu Yuanyuan who doesn't even know the words, the so-called notes are definitely not formal written records, and Shen Ji is also curious about what method she will use.

"Okay, Yuanyuan is ready!" Little Zaizai blinked his big eyes while holding the pen.

The so-called tutoring is not boring knowledge learning in the true sense.

There are a lot of content handed in in kindergarten, and there are even singing, reciting poems, etc., which are more about mobilizing thinking and cultivating habits.

These seemingly insignificant things are actually every necessary brick to build a child's future.

Yu Jinxiao didn't want Yu Yuanyuan to miss others.

For example, one day the teacher suddenly led everyone to sing a song they had learned. Yu Yuanyuan happened to have no chance to learn it because of filming. Everyone could sing it, but she couldn't.

Children will be surrounded by a subconscious tension and anxiety.

In particular, she will feel that she is surprised by her surroundings, as if she is out of place.

Yu Jinxiao entrusted Shen Ji with the content of "tutoring", so that Yu Yuanyuan would not have that uncomfortable moment.

Today's learning content is so simple for Shen Ji that he doesn't need to use his brain.

However, to explain clearly to Yu Yuanyuan, it still needs a little preparatory work.

Under his explanation, the little cub was writing in the notebook with his claws, and he didn't know what he wrote.

It was not until Shen Ji had finished speaking, and it was time to eat, that Yu Yuanyuan let go of Xiao Yuan's hand that was blocking the notebook.

"Wow, Yuanyuan memorized a lot of things!" Xiao Zaizai stretched her waist and moved her little neck happily.

When Shen Ji was talking just now, that little hand had been clumsily writing and drawing. Knowing that she couldn't write, it was impossible to really "take notes", Shen Ji didn't interrupt her, but let Xiao Zai Zai follow in your own way.

It's just that when Yu Yuanyuan was writing, Yuan Claw pressed on the notebook, covering what she wrote so that she couldn't see clearly.

Even with a hundred thousand curiosity in her heart, Shen Ji held back her "study train of thought" that interrupted her without a moment.

Now that the tutoring is over, can I...

"Is this the note that Yuanyuan wrote today?" Shen Ji looked at Xiao Zai Zai's closed notebook, showing interest in it.

He knew Yuanyuan too well. If she was proud of what she did, she would want to share it with others.

Just now, Xiao Zai Zai's eyes were full of confidence in the "notes".

"Right duck to duck," as expected, Shen Ji asked so casually, Yu Yuanyuan immediately opened her little book, and pushed in front of Shen Ji, "Brother Shen Ji, look ~ it's the notes that Yuanyuan took today~ "

Shen Ji nodded in relief, he was already mentally prepared for Yu Yuanyuan to mark the text with some small symbols, no matter what he saw, he would not be too surprised.

But when he took the notebook, there were no special symbols on it, but dense wavy lines and dots.

As if some unbreakable international code.

(End of this chapter)

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