The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1658 Don't dare to read Chapter 2

Chapter 1658 Don't dare to watch the second episode
"Okay... ok!" Yu Zaizai was cheered up by his few words.

By the end of the tutoring session, it was already dark.

When Shen Ji packed up his things and went out, he bumped into Yu Mingxi who wanted to knock on the door.

He raised his palm, paused, and asked with a smile, "Are you leaving?"

"Well, the tutoring is over."

"Do you want to stay and watch the last episode of the show with Yuanyuan?"

Shen Ji was silent when asked.

While Yuanyuan was going to film, she missed a live broadcast of the show.

But Yu Yuanyuan was the only one who missed it. Shen Ji had already watched the live broadcast on TV, and even watched the online version.

But hearing Yu Mingxi's tone, didn't they all read it?
As if reading the astonishment on Shen Ji's face, Yu Mingxi explained with a smile: "We have discussed it, and we must watch it together when Yuanyuan comes back. Have you already seen it?"

There was no change on Shen Ji's face: "I haven't watched it yet."

"That's great, do you want to stay and watch together?"

After reading it, it should be around nine o'clock, which is not too late. Shen Ji nodded, took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message, and set the mobile phone to vibrate.

"Wonder!! Yuanyuan is on the show!" Yu Zaizai tilted his head out from the crack of the door, "Did Yuanyuan see the new one!!"

"Yu Yingze and I haven't watched it yet. Dad said he hasn't watched it either, so we'll watch it together when Yuanyuan comes back."


Yu Mingxi picked up the cub and walked down, Yu Yuanyuan hummed excitedly on his shoulder, holding her claws high.

At this moment, it seemed as if an important family meeting was about to take place in the downstairs hall, and everyone was seated.

Of course Yu Jinxiao was sitting in the middle position C, and Aunt Chen and the others had set up their small benches and sat on the back side of the sofa. Everyone looked forward to it.

Putting the cub beside his father, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze also sat down on the left and the right.

Shen Ji habitually sat on the single sofa.

"Everyone is here, I'm going to play it!" Yu Yingze was holding the phone, swipe back and forth on it, pointing his fingers.

Soon the TV screen jumped out of the opening title, and cheerful and brainwashing music resounded throughout the hall.

Xiao Zaizai, who was sitting upright and watching, suddenly thought of something, and took out his phone and watch to send a voice message to He Chen: "Brother Delicious~ Have you watched our show?"

I heard from my brother that the second episode of the show was broadcast during filming, and Yu Yuanyuan forgot about it.

But why is it so delicious that my brother didn't remember it?
Did he forget it too?
But in reality, He Chen didn't dare to watch the second episode.

The first issue is basically an introduction to the life of the child, he hasn't appeared yet, He Chen watched it with gusto.

In the second issue, there was too much of himself to blacken. He Chen's poor glass heart didn't dare to read the barrage, and he didn't dare to read the comments. He took advantage of the filming period in the desert to completely isolate himself from the Internet.

Don't worry about anything else, just concentrate on filming.

But when He Chen was resting on the recliner tonight, he suddenly received a voice from Yu Yuanyuan.

His heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to find an excuse to get over it.

Unexpectedly, another voice came from Yu Yuanyuan's end——

"Brother Yummy, Yuanyuan is about to start watching, wait until Yuanyuan has watched the second episode and then I'll make love with you~"

what! ! !
He Chen almost bounced off the reclining chair.

Want to talk to him after watching the show? ? ?

Although Yu Yuanyuan is a child, she can do whatever she says, and if she talks about communicating, she will definitely come to communicate.

Even if it's not on the phone, it will definitely be when we come to film next week.

If He Chen couldn't answer, he could even imagine the disappointed expression on that little face.

(End of this chapter)

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