The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1678 Qiu Yang was scolded and became a trending search

Yu Jinxiao even looked forward to going back to the old days.

At least everyone will remain in fear of him and dare not disobey his words casually.

Now he...

As if he has become a paper tiger, Yu Yuanyuan's little glutinous rice balls have changed everyone's opinion of him, and now he is becoming more and more lawless.

Yu Yuanyuan will go to the desert next Tuesday to continue the second round of filming, and Xiao Zai Zai can still watch the third episode together at home.

Day after day, Shen Ji completed the lessons in school according to the plan.

It happened that next Tuesday was the time for Yu Yuanyuan to go to the desert, and Xiao Zai Zai didn't lose everything the teacher taught in school because of the filming.

Whether it's singing songs, drawing pictures or nursery rhymes...

Because of Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan mastered everything and kept up with the progress!

It just so happened that there was no filming scheduled for this Saturday night, so He Yitong once again connected with the whole family to watch the show together.

He Yitong has been very busy with his filming plans recently, and even the last episode of the show was only completed after staying up late.

This time I kept up with the progress, and everyone who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV thought that today would be the same cute and lovely task.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the program rules were explained, the trending searches on Weibo instantly became the number one.

Almost everyone is worried about Yu Yuanyuan's record.

This kind of brain-struggling game is really too difficult for a little Gungun like Yu Yuanyuan, right?
And what worries netizens the most is that He Chen's face doesn't look like he has much IQ.

Putting together two dazed faces, they couldn't make out a smart face.

This kind of script-killing game setting basically depends on adult guests to lead the flight, and the little guests are nothing more than a portable pendant, responsible for showing cuteness.

Thinking that Yu Yuanyuan might go offline at any time, everyone was so nervous that it was hard to breathe.

Most of the people who watched the show came for Yu Yuanyuan, if she went offline soon, wouldn't she not be able to see any scenes of Yuanyuan!
[I was in the ancient city at the time, and I testify that Yuanyuan 'lived' to the end! 】

[Is the upstairs not joking?I can't believe it. 】

[He Chen's brain is online?To be able to bring Yuanyuan to the end? ? 】

[I suspect that the front is talking ironically. 】

This time, Yu Yingze opened the barrage without asking for opinions.

At present, everyone in Yu's house knows the result of the show. Every time Yu Yuanyuan comes back from the game, she will show everyone her small medal next to each other.

The only one who didn't know the result was He Yitong.

In order to match He Yitong's emotions, everyone pretended not to know the answer and cooperated with her in the discussion.

In the show, Xie Xin didn't include the picture of Qiu Yang splashing Yu Yuanyuan water, but the matter was dug up for discussion as expected.

Soon, the video that had been silent for a long time was uploaded again, and Qiu Yang was pushed to the forefront again.

During the break between commercials on the program, Yu Yingze quickly glanced at the discussions on the Internet: "Wow, Qiu Yang has been scolded and trending!"

"Karma?" Xiao Zai Zai was surprised, "Why did you scold him?"

"Didn't he splash Yuanyuan water? He's a bad boy, of course he will be scolded." Yu Yingze replied as a matter of course.

There is no sympathy for Qiu Yang's situation.

He also felt that Qiu Yang should be hanged out and scolded for a month to relieve his anger.

"But, Qiu Yang is not so annoying now!" Xiao Zaizai scratched his head, as if he didn't hate Qiu Yang as much as before.

Thinking about it carefully, Qiu Yang is much better now!

As long as he is willing to correct, he is a good child.

"Yuanyuan, this show was filmed before," Shen Ji sat on the sofa and patted the clenched little claw, "Qiu Yang did something wrong at that time, it's a fact, I believe seeing him improve After that, everyone will change."

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