The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 168 This little cub is hopeless

Chapter 168 This little cub is hopeless
Everyone at the table couldn't hear Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful tone, and almost instantly looked at the culprit with murderous eyes.

The little boy who was about to come over to pick up the ball was taken aback for a moment, and stammered, "Yes... I'm sorry."

Even after apologizing, everyone at the table looked unhappy.

"It's okay, little brother, your ball." Holding her oily paw, Yu Yuanyuan rushed to the ball with small steps, and "poked" hard, and the ball slowly rolled towards the little boy.

For some reason, he felt that the eyes of this group of people were terrifying, like a table full of wolves, tigers and leopards, as if they wanted to skin him.

Not in the mood to look at the cute little girl, the boy picked up the ball and turned around and ran away. He didn't even dare to play with the ball nearby, so he found a place farther away to continue.

"Does it hurt?" Yu Mingxi wiped his hands with a wet tissue, and helped Yuanyuan wipe the ball-stained arm with distress.

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head, looked sadly at the chicken wings on the ground: "It's a pity that the wings can't be eaten."

Come on, the only thing she loves most is food!
"He hit you with a ball, and you still help him pick it up?" Leaning on the table with his elbows, Yu Jinxiao frowned and carefully examined the little cub in front of him, as if he was looking at something different. You can bully others casually like this, do you understand?"

"Understood." Xiao Zai Zai responded loudly without any rebuttal.

Yu Yingze took a bite of the egg tart calmly, and ruthlessly pointed it out: "She definitely didn't understand."

He is an excellent reader.

Yu Jinxiao dubiously looked at the little cub who was obediently being played by Yu Mingxi, and asked again: "What do you want to be bullied by others?"

"You... have to talk to him (reasons)! Let him be a good boy!"

This answer made Gao Zhou chuckle, as expected of Miss Yuanyuan.

"No, if someone bullies you, you have to take revenge and let him know that you are not easy to mess with, understand?" Yu Jinxiao seized the opportunity to educate him again.

How could his Yu Jinxiao's daughter be bullied by others, whether intentionally or unintentionally!
"Understood!" Yu Yuanyuan replied in a childish voice.

Do you understand?

Don't lie to adults! !

It is wrong for children to lie to adults!

"If someone scolds you, you should scold you back, and if someone beats you, you should hit back even more," Shen Ji, who took a sip of juice, also took the time to emphasize beside him, "You must not make people think that you are easy to bully, how others treat you, you Just do to him."

Yu Mingxi looked surprised "Why do you teach children like this", wishing to cover Yu Yuanyuan's little ears to prevent her from being polluted.

"That's right, that's what it is." Yu Jinxiao nodded in agreement beside him.

Others didn't support his argument, but I didn't expect that there are still people who know the goods!
Yu Jinxiao glanced appreciatively at Shen Ji opposite, and Shen Ji returned the same look, as if a bosom friend meets a bosom friend.

Oh, these mortals!

"Yu Yuanyuan, do you really understand?" Thinking of his daughter's worrying mind, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but confirm again.

Opportunities to educate daughters are rare.

"Understood." Xiao Zai Zai's voice was loud, and it didn't seem to be perfunctory.

Shen Ji was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and slapped her on the shoulder lightly: "If I hit you, what will you do?"

Biting her finger and thinking for a while, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly smiled and opened her arms towards Shen Ji: "Brother Shen Ji, hug me!"

Shen Ji and Yu Jinxiao supported their foreheads at the same time.

It's hopeless, this little cub is hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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