The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1680 Yu Yuanyuan Kicks Someone

"Howling everyone~ Yuanyuan wants to... want to say that Qiu Yang is not a bad boy now, so please don't scold Qiu Yang," Yu Yuanyuan looked nervous, bumping and bumping as if she was endorsing a letter, "and Yuanyuan Yuan also kicked Qiu Yang a jio later, so it's even! Everyone...bye!"

It took Yu Yuanyuan more than a minute to finish the short paragraph.

After Yu Yingze listened to the last paragraph, he clicked to close the live broadcast, and then he thought about it for two seconds in disbelief and asked, "What? You kicked Qiu Yang?"

"Well, there are bugs in his ass!"

Yu Yingze: "..." This is not revenge!

How could the children of the Yu family be bullied!
Forget it.

The anger in my heart only lasted for two seconds, and Yu Yingze's violent temper was nothing but anger.

"If someone bullies you in the future, come back and tell the second brother," Yu Yingze patted that little head, emphasizing in a serious and serious tone, "Second brother will help you out!"

"A hoe? Why use a hoe?" The bright eyes were suddenly frightened, "Second brother, you want to kill Bieyin!"

"It's just to help you teach..." Yu Yingze said halfway, and realized that the word was too "violent", so he immediately changed the wording, "It's to help you persuade bad children not to do bad things."

"Oh~~~Okay~~" Xiao Qiuqiu began to dance happily again.

After releasing the live broadcast, Yu Yingze watched the show seriously with everyone.

After the show was completely over, the popularity on Weibo had exploded to new heights.

A trending search with an unknown meaning came to the first place - "Yu Yuanyuan kicks people".

Yu Yingze's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately lost his voice: "It's over!"

"What's the end?" Yu Jinxiao knew from his tone that something was wrong.

"Look at the trending searches!!"

After saying that, He Yitong, who was connected to the PAD and hadn't hung up yet, turned on the phone.

This hot search doesn't look like a good thing.

Everyone entered the "battlefield" with their mobile phones in their hands, but as soon as they saw the discussion under the topic, all their momentum suddenly had nowhere to vent.

【great!It turns out that Yuanyuan can kick people, so my mother is relieved. 】

[Yuanyuan can kick people, that's great, I'm still worried that Yuanyuan will be bullied. 】

[I'm so moved, I'm afraid that Yuanyuan won't know how to fight back, but fortunately, baby never disappoints ee! =3=]

Those thousands of comments are almost all in this style.

Everyone was not condemning Yu Yuanyuan for "kicking people", but comforted that she knew how to "kick people".

Yu Yingze raised the corner of his mouth and gave a light laugh.

You mortals.

Do you think Yu Yuanyuan will really fight back?
"Yuanyuan kicked Qiu Yang's buttocks when he saw worms on them and didn't dare to touch them with his hands. [Silence]"

Yu Yingze decisively posted such a Weibo, destroying their beautiful dreams.

Not long after the Weibo was posted, the comments increased rapidly, and the speed was astonishing.

[[Shocked] As expected of Yuanyuan, how could I have thought she would hit someone...]

[Yu family's second brother, don't destroy my beautiful wish! ! 】

[Sure enough, as expected of Yuanyuan. 】

[It seems that we still have to protect the best baby!Taro balls will always protect Yuanyuan! 】

This night's trending searches all revolve around Yu Yuanyuan and Qiu Yangqi, and the topic can't always be around them.

The people who were still scolding Qiu Yang at the beginning attacked themselves: How did Yu Yuanyuan go from hating Qiu Yang to thinking that Qiu Yang is a good child?

Did something special happen in the later program?
Everyone: Looking forward to it even more! ! !
After the show ended, Yu Jinxiao was about to urge Xiao Zai Zai to go back to the room to wash and sleep.

But just as he grabbed the little glutinous rice balls up the steps, Yu Yingze, who was following behind, let out a low growl: "Damn it! Qiu Yang is broadcasting live!"

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