The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1693 It's Nice To Be Rich

Chapter 1693 It's Nice To Be Rich

Following the direction of Yu Yuanyuan's finger, a staff member passed by holding props. She happened to have dyed pink hair.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the beautiful pink hair, with envy in her eyes.

"It's dyed." Zhan Ming emphasized in a deep voice.

"You can also dye it pink!!!" Yu Zaizai exclaimed.

"You can dye it any color you want."

"White... is it okay?"

"of course can."

"Grandpa's hair is dyed too!"


Zhan Ming was suddenly taken away by the logic of this little potato.

"Yuanyuan also wants to dye pink~~~"

"Just wait until you grow up."

"It's going to take that long!" Xiao Zai Zai was suddenly frustrated.

Everyone quietly watched the starry sky again, Zhan Ming and Yin Hui were called back to continue filming, He Chen led Yu Yuanyuan back to the RV to rest.

Xiao Ran is Yu Cangnan's assistant, and she is helping him with some trivial matters today, and there is no time to coax Yu Yuanyuan to sleep.

He Chen took Xiao Zai Zai back to the RV to play for a while, while blowing on the air conditioner.

When Xiao Ran came back, He Chen had no excuse to stay any longer, so he could only go back to his lounge first.

As soon as he stepped out of the RV, the temperature outside was completely different from the temperature inside the RV. The huge temperature difference made him shiver.

It's nice to have money.

He also wants to experience the joy of doing whatever he wants like Mr. Yu.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Yu Zaizai suddenly received a call from He Yitong.

Joining the group for the second time, He Yitong wanted to chat with Baby Zai Zai about her mood.

I was worried that Yu Jinxiao would not get used to her leaving, but I didn't expect to be very happy to hear Zai Zai's voice.

As expected of her cub, he inherited the same hobbies as her.

Before He Yitong came to the world of books, she never knew what acting was.

But in the book world, she likes filming very much. When she merged with the characters, some preferences and likes and dislikes that she had never experienced before suddenly appeared in her mind.

The happiness brought by filming is no less than He Yitong personally hunting a fat food.

The life in this book world has different places and different happiness from the fairyland.

"Yuanyuan will do a good job in filming!" He Yitong finally felt relieved when he heard Zai Zai's energetic voice.

"You should eat well, sleep well, and take good care of yourself!" He Yitong's gentle voice came out of the child's watch, and Xiao Ran's expression was in disbelief.

It turns out that He Yitong already has such a good relationship with this "adopted daughter" in private!

It seems that the rumors of her reconciliation with Yu Jinxiao...isn't impossible.

"Mama too~~"

The mother and daughter chatted in a nasty tone, and they chatted for almost an hour before hanging up.

At this time, Xiao Ran was about to fall asleep, lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he was exhausted.

Xiao Zaizai put the phone and watch by the bed, and suddenly thought that a new round of filming would start tomorrow, and he was looking forward to the movie when it was released.

At that time, she will invite everyone to watch it together!
Thinking of that scene, Yu Zaizai closed his eyes and had a very beautiful dream.

However, Xiao Zai Zai, who was full of ambition one day, was trapped by the biggest problem the next day.

Yu Yuanyuan had to get up early in the morning because of the scene when the sky was hazy.

She has never woken up so early!

Even the cafeteria master hadn't prepared breakfast yet, so He Chen could only take a bag of snacks as "bait".

He vaguely felt that Yu Yuanyuan was like a small animal.

After finally waking her up, Yu Zaizai stared at her hazy eyes, almost being carried by He Chen to the shooting scene and put away.

(End of this chapter)

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