The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1699 Have I become ugly?

Chapter 1699 Have I become ugly?
While Gao Zhou was recovering from his injuries, he was driving and doing errands with Shu Xuan.

Yu Jinxiao has gotten used to his quiet and low-key personality, when the noisy Gao Zhou came back, the atmosphere in the car turned upside down.

It would be fine if only Yu Yuanyuan was the only one, but today Yu Yingze was making trouble together, Yu Jinxiao's ears never stopped.

Fortunately, the recording place is not too far from Jiangcheng, and it only takes 2 hours to drive there.

This is a small farmyard with a beautiful environment. The yard is very large, and the surrounding area has been commercialized. It seems to be a tourist attraction, but it has not been made public yet.

The weather is warming up and the spring season is officially entering the season, which is very suitable for such an arrangement.

After the recording that lasted for two days and one night, the fans received the news that the program crew was going to shoot, and they all beat their chests with regret.

When they rushed there, there were only some scenes that were filmed and built, and some famous scenes became popular places where many fans lined up to check in.

After several consecutive episodes of the program, the popularity of "Cute Explosion 1+1" has never been seen before or since, and it has become the program with the highest broadcast volume, attention, and popularity in the history of variety shows.

The record it sets can be said to leave the second-ranked show far behind.

And the little friends in the show also got a lot of attention and gained a huge number of fans.

Among them, Yu Yuanyuan is the most popular and the most terrifying.

Before the last episode of the program was broadcast, Yu Yingze's weibo account had almost reached 3800 million fans, all of them were fake real fans, and he couldn't read the comments every day.

Many people have probably forgotten that the owner of this Weibo is a child.

The broadcast of the last program is still at 20:00 on Saturday night.

Because it was the last episode of the show, many viewers began to wail in advance, saying that they were reluctant to end the show, and even begged Xie Xin to make a hundred episodes!

But no matter how beautiful the encounter is, there is an end.

At 20:00 in the evening, the last program will be broadcast on time.

The ratings of the show hit a new high.

As soon as the familiar opening title appeared on the screen, the discussion on Weibo began to double.

The little cub in the show obviously just arrived at the recording site, the little figure is still sitting in the car, the camera has already started shooting, and there is not even a chance to prepare or breathe.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan got out of the car, he saw flowers hanging on the side of the road, and the surrounding scenery was as beautiful as a painting.

"Wow—" After getting out of the car, Xiao Zai Zai turned his head to look around.

"Yuanyuan!" He Chen's voice arrived even though it was late.

A long distance away, the penetrating voice came suddenly.

Yu Jinxiao calmly followed the sound, and was surprised to find that He Chen was dark again.

It was at least two degrees darker than before!
He Chen's running gradually slowed down, and finally stopped in front of Yu Jinxiao ahead of time: "Mr. Yu, why are you looking at me like this, have I become ugly?"

They are all big men, Yu Jinxiao really doesn't want to comment on the beauty and ugliness of another man, but He Chen is not an ordinary person, he is extremely harsh on his appearance.

"No change." Yu Jinxiao calmly and perfunctorily.

"Brother delicious, you..." Yu Yuanyuan roared halfway in shock, then suddenly thought of something, and covered her mouth.

He Chen's heart skipped a beat: "Yuanyuan, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, nothing!" The little guy shook his head vigorously.

A few weeks ago, He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan had already started filming scenes in the city, so they didn't need a lot of time to shoot in the desert.

However, He Chen was too tanned when filming in the desert. In order to connect the plot, the makeup artist specially used a whitening liquid foundation for him, not only on the face, but also on the hands and neck.

Yu Yuanyuan was used to seeing the "whitewashed" He Chen, and she was a little surprised and not used to seeing He Chen's real skin color suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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