The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1701 The hairs on my body stand upside down

Chapter 1701 The hairs on my body stand upside down

The excitement around him had nothing to do with him, Qiu Ruitian grabbed his hands, trying to make himself look calm.

"Now that everyone is here, it's time to start today..." Xie Xin deliberately paused when he said this, and the smirk on his face gave everyone a bad feeling.

"Director Xie, didn't you say there will be no games this time?"


"We had an impromptu meeting, and decided to add some interesting games for everyone." Xie Xin's smile made everyone feel even more uncomfortable.

Yu Jinxiao was the calmest one.

He also heard Xie Xin say that there is no game before, but can a director believe it?

What does he shoot without games?
It's impossible to photograph a group of them sitting and staring blankly, right?

Obviously, other dads believed it was true and didn't make mental preparations in advance.

"Okay! You can play games again!" Yu Yuanyuan happily clapped her paws, and the sound of cheerful little breasts filled the open space.

The other children didn't have much feeling about games or not, but when they saw Yu Yuanyuan clapping their hands, they clapped their hands too.

The scene gradually became lively.

Xie Xin never doubted Yu Yuanyuan's thermal field ability.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. This game doesn't require you to put in a lot of exercise. It won't be very hard." Xie Xin originally wanted to comfort everyone with a smile, but when he smiled, everyone felt that things were not that simple. Relaxed and simple game play."

"Director Xie, why don't we believe your words?"

[Hahahahaha, experienced fathers have become smarter. 】

[Where you are so smart, the shocked look just now clearly believed what Director Xie said before]

[Only Tulip is the calmest, with the calmness of 'I knew it']

"Don't do this, don't do this, it's true, there will be no physical competition." Xie Xin smiled and waved his hands.

Yu Yingze folded his hands, and added in a cool voice: "Even if there is, I'm not afraid!"

"Wow, Second Brother is so handsome!"

With Xiao Zai Zai's boast, Yu Yingze's back straightened even more.

Although the whole family came to record together today, Yu Yingze knew that the protagonist was Yu Yuanyuan, and he would never embarrass this little Douding.

It is not so easy to detect on the scene, but through the lens, the obvious dividing line of the atmosphere is particularly prominent.

The left side is bustling and lively, while the right side is happy. Once Qiu Ruitian's position is reached, a low atmosphere seems to be formed, and his existence seems out of place.

Qiu Ruitian put his hands behind his back and quietly pulled his wife's skirt, trying to change his situation.

But Meng Hanyu didn't notice at all, and chatted happily with the neighbor next door about the new bags.

"Susu, did you drop it?"

A small sound of milk sounded beside his legs, Qiu Rui turned his head subconsciously, and met Yu Yuanyuan's small eyes.

A finger emerged from that chubby hand, pointing at a piece of paper by his leg.

"No... I didn't drop it." Qiu Ruitian hesitated and shook his head.

It was a folded paper towel, someone probably dropped it by accident.

Even if it was dropped by him, the paper looks almost the same all over the world, where he could recognize it, he subconsciously denied it.

"Oh~~ That Yuanyuan is thrown into the trash can." Xiao Zai Zai squatted down, picked up the tissue and threw it into the trash can next to it.

[Qiu Ruitian: Touched, someone finally took care of me]

[Our cubs are really environmentally conscious]

Qiu Ruitian's heart skipped a beat because of Yu Yuanyuan's approach.

He was afraid that no one would take care of him, and he was also afraid that someone would take care of him, but it happened to be that Yu Yuanyuan!

However, after that little bean ding threw away the tissue, he came back staggeringly and stood there staring at him motionless.

Staring at it made Qiu Ruitian feel uncomfortable, and the hairs on his body stood upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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