The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 171 You don't even blink when you tell a lie

Chapter 171 Don't Blink Your Eyes When Telling a Lie
The kid who was so fierce just now looked astonished, not understanding why the big brother suddenly changed his attitude and apologized to himself.

Probably because they were frightened by the burly appearance of the three of them!
It must be so!

The three children found a self-righteous excuse for themselves, laughed coldly, and ignored Shen Ji's apology at all.

"Why are you apologizing to them?" Yu Yingze didn't understand, Shen Ji had the upper hand just now, "It's a big deal, I'm not afraid of them!"

The corners of Shen Ji's lips lifted indifferently: "Sometimes, an apology is not necessarily for the sake of apologizing."

"Ah?" The words were too profound, Yu Yingze couldn't understand.

The three children ignored them and continued to pick up rocks to shoot butterflies, and then began to climb a big tree next to them.

The trunk needs to be surrounded by three people, the bark is rough, and the branches and leaves are lush.

The three children looked at the branches on the high place and became suspicious. They naughtily climbed up the trunk and began to climb up the branches.

It seems that there is still a competition to see who can climb to the high place the fastest.

Shen Ji squatted down to check the red mark on Yu Yuanyuan's forehead, and not long after, he heard a cry of pain from under the tree.

One, two, three...

The other children and parents who were watching the butterflies were taken aback.

"Wow..." There were three howls with different tones from under the tree.

The three little boys broke their trousers, their knees and legs were worn out, and they sat on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Oh, I'm crying, it's really embarrassing." Yu Yingze laughed beside him, with his hands on his hips, feeling relieved.

Shen Ji snorted coldly, looked away, and continued to wipe the tears on Yu Yuanyuan's face with a tissue.

All this seemed to be in his expectation, not unexpected.

The three little kids who were crying so much got up, their faces were covered with tears and snot, and they still didn't forget to quarrel with Yu Yingze.

"You're ashamed, you big wax gourd!!!" Slit Eyes cried and cursed, and then hiccupped suddenly after cursing.

"Slightly slightly slightly, whoever cries is ashamed, whoever is short is a winter melon." Yu Yingze is not to be outdone when scolding others, although he is not as angry as Shen Ji, but it is not a problem for children who are about the same age.

"Shut up and don't talk!"

"If you keep talking, we'll tear your mouth apart!"

The three crying little kids were crying and cursing, dragging their broken legs and yelling harsh words, rushing towards Yu Yingze.

The one who took the lead was the slit eye, limping, and a little clumsy in his movements.

He rushed over and waved his fist to greet Yu Yingze's face.

Yu Yingze retreated calmly, and when the fist came in front of him, he kicked Slit Eye unceremoniously, knocking Slit Eye to the ground.

The other two didn't expect their elder brother to be so deflated so quickly, they were stunned and rushed forward with a bravado.

Yu Yingze, who has always been active, has a well-developed motor nerve, and fighting is even easier.

Surrounded by two people, one on the left and the other on the right, he didn't feel any fear at all, and slowly swung their cotton fists, one left punch, one right punch, all turned over.

"Wow..." The three little kids were wounded more and more, lying on the ground crying heartbreakingly.

There were more and more people onlookers, a man and a woman suddenly rushed to separate the crowd, and rushed up nervously to help the three little kids lying on the ground.

"Bao, what's wrong with you?" The woman looked at her son in distress, and then angrily looked at Yu Yuanyuan and the others next to her, "You guys did it?"

Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide in a daze, and shook her head: "No, Yuanyuan didn't hit her."

That little appearance can't tell that he's lying! !

Yu Yingze and Shen Ji looked at each other, they never expected that Xiao Zai Zai would tell a lie without blinking his eyes!
The dull little head was lifted up, looking into the eyes of Shen Ji and the second elder brother incomprehensibly.

Why do you look at Yuanyuan Duck so much?
Yuanyuan was right, it was the second elder brother who beat her, and no one beat anyone in Yuanyuan!
(End of this chapter)

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